These days, Parth is busy shooting for his debut web series named Hero, which will be produced by Ekta Kapoor, where he is essaying the role of a don. PG. He had recently shared a picture with her on his birthday on social media. Kasautii Zindagii Kay's Anurag Basu aka Cezanne Khan confirms marriage with girlfriend TV | January 06, 2021 11:19 IST . However, a pain-filled Anurag consoles Moloy and explains everything to him. Watch Kasautii Zindagii Kay - Hindi Romance TV Serial on Disney+ Hotstar now. It is the original cast which is creating a lot of noise right now! A woman named Aisha Pirani alleged that the actor married her to obtain a Green Card. Kasautii Zindagii Kay fame actor Cezanne Khan has denied all the serious allegations against him. Kasauti Zindagii Kay Fame, Cezanne Khan A.K.A Anurag Basu Is All Set To Tie The Knot In 2021 Cezanne Khan a.k.a, Anurag Basu of 'Kasautii Zindagii Kay' has found his Ms Perfect. Here's what he said! The actor was last seen in Kasautii Zindagi Kay where he essayed the role of Anurag Basu and he became a household name. Check out the whole story to find out more. TV's original Anurag Basu from 'Kasautii Zindagii Kay' has REACTED to the serious allegations. Read now on Later, Komolika threatens to kill Moloy Basu. Kasautii Zindagii Kay is back into the news, but not because of Erica Fernandes or Parth Samthaan. The Basus plan a party to celebrate Prerna's arrest while Anurag visits her in the jail. Followed by news of Parth signing for web series, Mai Hero Boll Raha Hu, leaving the audience amazed. Anurag Reveals the Truth S1 E147 16 Apr 2019. Cezanne Khan and Shweta Tiwari were one of the most loved on-screen couples as Anurag Basu and Prerna Sharma in Kasautii Zindagii Kay. Cezanne Khan, who played the ro His paring with Erica Fernandes was loved by the audience. Kasautii Zindagii Kay. The character of Anurag from Kasautii Zindagii Kay, played by Parth, is the favorite of viewers and also his fans around the world. As per the recent episodes of Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2, Anurag and Moloy indulge in a brutal conversation. Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2 produced by Ekta Kapoor was wrapped up due to low TRPs, post which fans were eager to know if the actor-producer duo is collaborating for any project. Kasautii Zindagii Kay Preview, March 16: Mohini BLAMES Prerna & Mr Bajaj for targeting Anurag and Basu family Top Posts in Rooms See All Binge Watch 9h … Actor Cezanne Khan, best known for his role of Anurag Basu in the original Kasautii Zindagii Kay, has found love in Uttar Pradesh-based girl. Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2 updates. Anurag not only appreciates that but is also taking his father’s business ahead, as the perfect son. The actor had captioned the picture … Why? Moloy is shattered to learn how Anurag pushed Prerna off the cliff. The couple, Anurag and Prerna, has impressed the audiences with their on-screen chemistry and amazing acting chops. Kasautii Zindagii Kay's Cezanne Khan All Set To MARRY A UP-Based Girl, Find Out Who By: ABP News Bureau Updated: 5 January 2021, 10:06 AM (IST) Actor Cezzane Khan, best known for his role of Anurag Basu in the original Kasautii Zindagii Kay, has found love in Uttar Pradesh-based girl. Vivek Dahiya has denied replacing Parth Samthaan as Anurag Basu in Ekta Kapoor's show, Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2. Scroll down to know all the details!