to the desirable source of nutrients for the mold. 4.) It feeds on organic matter like bread while decomposing the same. HYPOTHESIS: Which conditions do you think will best promote mold growth? 5. Molds occur commonly on bread due After 4 days, take a look at the samples. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. But when the mold spores land on a host, they grow and thrive by feeding off the food they land on. Students should write a short paragraph answer to each of the following questions:
1.) Those spots are actually microscopic organisms called mold.A type of fungus, mold can be found just about anywhere from our door knobs and damp clothing to bread! They realize that scientific knowledge is subject to change as new evidence arises. Make labels for Tupperware lids. mold, there have been many experiments done on bread mold. How to write a plan and design experiment, No public clipboards found for this slide. Cool Science Fair Projects Science Experiments Kids Science For Kids Science Activities Science Classroom Teaching Science Science Education Life Science Elementary Teaching. “We decided it would be an awesome mold experiment to learn about germs by using moldy bread!” Together, they put five slices of bread in separate bags. What effect did temperature have on mold growth? 5.) � Then have students look at the other groups� �Pages� on Backpack to compare their observations and results. Looks like you’ve clipped this slide to already. A piece of bread will be used as a control. A recent classroom experiment gone viral might change your mind. The cheese and bread should probably be showing signs of mold on the 4th day. What were the independent variables of this experiment? Same amount of mould for wet as Day 5. The data does support the hypothesis. Was it decorated with spots of green and white or fully covered in mold? Day 6 (after the weekend)- (45-60 minutes) Have students take their final observations as they have previously done on Backpack. ��ࡱ� > �� � � ���� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� '` �� � bjbj{P{P 84 : : � �� �� �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � D � j � � � � � � � � � � $ � h � h � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � V � @ � � � � 3ۧ��� � � � � � 0 x R � R � R � � ` � � � � � � � � � � (Mold 2015) Typically mold spores tend By James Thompson As mentioned above, mold growth requires water. At the end of ten days the samples will be collected, photographed and Rulers for each group
7.) They put the bread in resealable plastic bags and waited 3 to 4 weeks. (Hand wash and 1 dishwasher cycle with Take all three sealed bags and put them in a cool, dry place. Mold spores live in the air all the time—there are millions of them practically everywhere. Qualitative Observations- What visual changes have occurred in a 24-hour period? Teach children about microorganisms by having them carry out this Mouldy Bread Experiment. Why do you think there are differences? Materials: bread; Plastic bags with zipper seals; Directions: All samples of the bakery bread exposed mold. Prepare Sample B with a few droplets of water. (Wold & We waited weeks for any mold to show up on any of the other pieces, but it didn’t. The bread with three sprays of water developed the most mold. RESULTS / ANALYSIS OF DATA. The purpose of this lesson is for your students to implement the scientific method in an experiment testing the effect of temperature on mold growth, while using the web 2.0 application Backpack to organize research, hypotheses, collected data, and results as well as compare collected information to that from other students. Place the bread in the bag and seal it. Children will enjoy working scientifically, developing their observational skills and drawing conclusions, as they investigate mould on bread. Project Plan Design DO NOT open your experiment bag. Aldo-Rafael Cos carried out an experiment on four types of bread, each sealed in a Tupperware and varying degrees of humidity. If I put bread and fruit in two different light levels with different liquids, then the mold will grow faster in a light environment with basic liquid. (Cos 2005) INT1 Task 3 Warm or cold? (Day 1, Day 2, etc.). spots faster than others. Area such as a large drawer, box, or cabinet with no light to store experimental bread that is not in the refrigerator
5.) Sylvia Cini took a different approach to her experiment. 30 minutes) Have students make a hypothesis of the effect temperature will have on mold growth based on their previous research. 3. Students grow mold on bread and chart observations. Complete quiz 2. 3. This bread mold experiment will help your child learn about mold, and he'll develop important hypothesis-making and experiment-designing skills. Recording the results of her experiment. become dormant when introduced to temperatures below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. The bread developed mold, though some slices developed mold 2.) The easiest way to grow mold is on a piece of bread. Does the Cold Stop Bread Mold? Question: Experiment Results: Table 1: Mold Growth Observations Condition Number Of Days Required For Growth To Begin Observations Extent Of Growth (Scale Of 1 – 10) Bright. They perform calculations and determine the appropriate units for the answers. With the second slice of bread, Miss Lydon washed her hands thoroughly with soap and water. They should then post and cite the information they find as a �Page� labeled with the students� names on Backpack. Conclusion If white bread's freshness is affected by salt, darkness, humidity, cold temperature, or light, dry environments, then the humid environment will cause mold to grow the fastest because it is a nourishing environment where spores can develop. However, the spores CONTROL CLEAN DIRTY Day 5: Date: _____ Today’s Lesson- 1. Turn in. 1. Mouldy Bread Experiment . Place labels on lids. What is mold. Let's first cover the basic introductory aspects of this experiment that need to be considered before doing it in class: Have you ever thrown away moldy bread in your house? After they have done this, give each pair of students two pieces of bread to leave out over night after misting the bread with water. 2.) Other variables (hand-washing, sanitizer) will be tested against touching a piece of bread w Conclusion. (this will allow the bread to be exposed to spores)
Day 2- (approx. Still no mould on final day for dry and normal. Table 1: Mold Growth Observations Condition Number of Days Required for Growth to Begin Observations Extent of Growth (Scale of 1 – 10) Bright. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. About 8 cm. Now, this bread mold is known to be able to survive in both types of mediums. long of mould. Paper plates (2 per group)
9.) Determine whether or not hand soaps and sanitizers prevent the growth of bread mold. Check your notes when the milk started to mold. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. experiment above, she took it a step further. While she followed the steps of the It should turn out that the milk will have the most number of molds. )Refrigerator
4.) something that makes us have to throw the bread away or the cheese smell bad What Is Happening? Writing a lab report is one of the most efficient ways of showing the results and conclusions of a bread mold experiment. Look at the bread daily and write down your observations, but do not take the bread out of the bags. � See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. Also, substances like salt tend to slow down the growth of bread mold. Clean and sterilize four Tupperware bowls. 222. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Squirt Bottles filled with water-one for each group. How do your observations and results compare to your classmates? It can survive in the minimal media by turning what is available into those other vital building blocks (amino acids). � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ���� Bread Mold Experiment
8th Grade General Science
The purpose of this lesson is for your students to implement the scientific method in an experiment testing the effect of temperature on mold growth, while using the web 2.0 application Backpack to organize research, hypotheses, collected data, and results as well as compare collected information to that from other students. Overview. Conclusion is an important part of the experiment, so make sure you read your observations carefully before you put down the appropriate conclusion of the project. What do you think would happen if you increased or decreased the amount of water added to the bread?StandardsIndiana Education Standards (8th grade science)
The Nature of Science and Technology 8.1
Students design and carry out increasingly sophisticated investigations. They examine issues in the design and use of technology, including constraints, safeguards, and trade-offs. We wanted to investigate the importance of washing our hands so we conducted an experiment to see how quickly germs spread. As you can see from Table 3, when we tested bread under dry conditions, very little mold grew. Here are pictures of mold growth on different types of breads. moisture, and light. She placed her containers in different temperatures Bread mold experiment I think the mold will grow naturally on the bread with water sprinkled because molds do not contain chlorophyll unlike the other normal green plants and mold needs moisture, dark place to be able to germinate and it is really hard for mold to grow on a dry surface such as normal bread as it does not contain moisture. mould on both sides of wet bread. After the mold-growing experiment, students will form their conclusions and present their results to the class. Students have to describe and analyze laboratory experiments to explain a particular concept. Experiment DesignSteps Students should then complete the Experiment Evaluation exercise that you will have created.EvaluationHave students open the Experiment Evaluation document on your Backpack �Page�, answer the questions, print it out, and turn it in to you to grade. 2. Third Grade Materials: 8 slices of fresh bread with no preservatives ... a great way to document mold growth is by recording your observations in a sketchbook! Computers with internet access for students to research and store information on Backpack and printer access
6.) Hypothesis The Hypothesis of this experiment is that bread mold will lie dormant in temperatures below 32 degrees and thrive in warmer temperatures. This may be an instructive addition for teachers to include. How to Write a Bread Mold Lab Experiment Report. (Cini, 2015) There is … 7. The bacteria bread experiment involves testing the effectiveness of self-hygiene methods. Balances to weigh the bread
8.) 6. This is why we recommend using fresh bread without preservatives. In this decomposing bread experiment, students study the scientific method while preparing an experiment regarding decomposition. Each container was kept at room temperature Wait for 4 days to finalize the observations. CONTROL CLEAN DIRTY Illustrate the bread samples for your group. 2. Also have them make observations and post these observations as a �List� under Day 1. Results: The results of the experiment are that almost all the Wonder Bread slices have no visible mold, except for the sample labeled coffee, which grew mold that covered about 30% of the slice of bread. No change in the color of the bread. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. to become active at temperatures between 70 – 90 degrees Fahrenheit. White, yellow, green, and black mould. Take a third slice of bread and have your child touch the bread with her freshly-washed hands. Use with the Science: Living Things and Their Habitats: Microorganisms Year 6 Lesson Pack 4. See Table 3 for a summary of all our results on bread. They weigh the evidence for or against an argument, as well as the logic of the conclusions.Materials1.) Results: The results of the experiment are that almost all the Wonder Bread slices have no visible mold, except for the sample labeled coffee, which grew mold that covered about 30% of the slice of bread. 8th Grade General Science. Hypothesis (Based on what you’ve learned in the pre-lab materials, write and If/Then statement regarding the outcome of this experiment. You can change your ad preferences anytime. The hypothesis for this experiment is, If different types of bread are tested then the mold growth of the white bread contained will increase, because mold … Any preservative-free bread that is soft will work well. 3.) 1. ): I believe the mold growth will grow more in the bright observations. It was also noticeable that the bread with 5 drops got more mould than the bread with 10, but the one with 15 drops had the most. Place the bread in the Tupperware bowls. A good sample of mold may take up to two weeks to form, so be sure to plan ahead for this project. Mold is a type of fungus. with an adequate source of light. Students will then label both paper plates with their names and place one plate with one piece of bread in the cabinet or dark area you provide, and the other in the refrigerator. For this experiment, for ten days, each sample will be put into varying degrees of temperature, All samples of the bakery bread exposed mold. There are many different ways to see how mold spores thrive. There was no bread mold on ether pieces of bread. &. (if you don�t have enough, it is easy for groups to share one)
3. container and moistened with a few drops of water. Lesson 2 - Determining Mold Amounts on Whole Fruits. The tiny cells of mold are called spores. Record your results. The bread stayed the same size. 0 1 2 ; � � � � � � � � � � �
� � � � � � � � � � � � � g o t { | � �����������ǿǴǴ��Ǔ~�~���v�v�v�v�v�v�v�v�v�v hO1W h) 5�)hO1W h) B*CJ OJ QJ ^J aJ phSSS /hO1W h) 5�B*CJ OJ QJ \�^J aJ phSSS hO1W h) 0J j hO1W h) UhO1W h) H*hO1W h) hO1W h) 5�CJ( j h P� h) UmH nH u h�3= h) H*h) h_ h) 5�CJ . Download Project. Also, have students use the �Divider� feature to divide the days in which they post to Backpack. progression of mold being taken. 4. Look at the bread and apple on the plate in your experiment bag. Article by Observe the mold or any changes to the bread; Reweigh bread to see the difference in weight; Record your data; Dispose of the bread and/or of the mold; Data: Both pieces of bread were stale. In a few days, mold should start to appear. PROBLEM: What conditions make bread mold grow the fastest? 1. Watch how bacteria creates an environment for mold to flourish and grow! Day 3-5- (20 minutes) Have students make same observations (color, size, weight) for the bread at room temperature and the bread in the refrigerator and post these observations on Backpack as they did the day before, dividing observations by Days. Was your hypothesis for this experiment accurate? Bread-(one consistent brand and type), enough for each group of two students to have two pieces. Select four pieces of white bread. Mold is a fungus that best grows in dark, moist and warm conditions. Check bowls, make certain they are clean and dry. On each of these days, have students spray both pieces of bread with water and put the bread back in the dark area and the refrigerator. Have them do this on their �Page� as a �Note�. This hypothesis was based off of a statement made on the Mold Blogger website. kept in warm and moist places where mold can thrive. Answer the observation questions to record your data and then draw a picture of what you see in the space provided beneath the questions. The bread was observed for two weeks, with photographs of the They understand the reason for isolating and controlling variables in an investigation. � We used gloves to take the first slice of bread out and put it into a clear bag. Since it is such a common type of Bread mold experiment results It took about two days for the first mold to show up- which was on the wet piece. (Store bought). If bread is placed in a dark, light, or a mix of light & dark, then the light space will have the most mold because the light will fuel the molds energy. (One slice to each bowl) Bread mold fungus is the most common fungi in the world. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. Please note: we do not recommend this project for those with allergies to mold (including penicillin) or with severe asthma. Name: _____ Day _____ Data and Observations: Is mold growing?_____ ObjectiveAfter drawing conclusions about the effect of light and temperature on bread mold growth, students will be able to knowingly complete an experiment evaluation on Backpack answering the questions:
What were the independent variables of this experiment? Before the experiment, students will be asked to form a hypothesis about the best conditions for growing mold. Was your hypothesis for this experiment accurate? In tandem with the nutrients, bread is typically Unfold the Mystery of Mold. This experiment uses 4 samples to test what conditions mold grow the best in. Black SharpieProcedureYou should allow a week worth of class time to complete this lesson plan, with different days of the week requiring more or less class time dedicated to the procedure. (color, size, weight) and any additional observations they may come across.