Offer comforting words for a mother or father who have experienced this type of loss: "The mother-son bond (or father-son) is something truly special and I know just how close you were with (insert deceased individual's name). I heard someone say, grief isn’t a life sentence, it’s a life passage. You can play an influential role in a person's grief process by taking the time to write a note of sympathy. If you’re reading this, it’s likely you’ve lost a child or been affected by the loss of a child. It's important to share from the heart. But, we didn’t expect it to be the death of a child, did we? I cannot imagine anything more painful that anyone can suffer than losing a child. There is a reason for everything 5. If you don't know what to say, write "I don't know what to say, but I … Before you do anything, it’s important to understand that bereaved parents never really “get over” their loss, and there’s nothing you can do to take away your friend’s heartbreak. I say it is my dear son Patrick who I lost very suddenly at the age of 27 years. Knowing what to say or write to a mother or father who have lost an adult child may feel daunting. So perhaps the best thing to do is to acknowledge the loss and say a few words. Also, my sister found it very comforting to receive cards and letters in the mail. After you read the sample letter, review the following section-by-section guide for how to compose your own condolence letter so … You can have another child still 7. Multiply that by a thousand when imagining a parent’s searing grief and pain, even if it’s been years since their loss. The Worst Things to Say to Someone in Grief. The loss of an adult child can invoke intense sorrow and complicated grief. He is in a better place 3. Choose and share one to bring healing to them today. One of the many reasons speaking to someone who has experienced a loss is so difficult is because we know words can’t ever assuage the mourner’s pain. It’s the one common human experience we all have at one time or another. Aren’t you over him yet, he has been dead for awhile now 6. At least she lived a long life, many people die young 2. Please know that I will be including you and your family in my prayers. 1. Tell someone how sorry you are for their loss of a son with one of these sympathy messages. If you're that kind of person, get her sympathy cards on Mothers Day and the anniversary. Words of Condolence Letter for Someone Who Just Lost a Son The sample letter below is a condolence letter for a friend who has just lost a son. What you should say to someone who has lost their child What do you say to a mom or dad who has suffered the ultimate heartbreak? Instead, when trying to figure out what to say to someone who lost a loved one, try this. Shutterstock. “We are exhausted from trying to look strong when we feel weak as kittens,” Markwell says. She brought this on herself 4. If you know someone whose child has died, it’s hard to know what you can say or do to help them without making their pain worse. July 8, 2015, 6:21 PM UTC / Updated Oct. 1, 2018, 4:08 PM UTC What to say to a parent who suddenly loses their child?