Therefore, it is necessary to block the new entrants in the industry. The Philippines, and many countries in South-East Asia, can refer to some case studies of good mining practices and engage in information sharing through regional conferences. In the strengths, management should identify the following points exists in the organization: Following points can be identified as a threat to company: Following points should be considered when applying SWOT to the analysis: Pest analyses is a widely used tool to analyze the Political, Economic, Socio-cultural, Technological, Environmental and legal situations which can provide great and new opportunities to the company as well as these factors can also threat the company, to be dangerous in future. Introduction Alternatives such as chemical-free traditional small scale mining methods and community-based microhydros need to be promoted and supported. The steadily rising level of silt in the dam reservoirs and along the Agno River upstream of the dams is covering a wider and wider area around the dams and continues to destroy more and more rice fields. Every questions were corresponded by answers from the researchers. This time, highlighting the important point and mark the necessary information provided in the case. ... N.D. Mining pollution: The case of the Baguio mining district, the philippines. Ventilation shafts have also drawn water away from surface streams, irrigation canals, and pondfields. The Ambuklao and Binga dams are stark examples of the detrimental impacts of siltation and megadams on rivers. Although total local production was low relative to world production, it ranked 2nd to Africa in gold. and echo what President Arroyo said, that nickel is to the Philippines as oil is to Norway.” Philippine Ambassador to Norway, Victoria Bataclan, The old and the young are particularly vulnerable. The criteria’s on which business decisions are to be selected areas under: Alternatives should be measures that which alternative will perform better than other one and the valid reasons. this refers to the supplier’s ability of increasing and decreasing prices. Asthma and other respiratory problems often affect local communities as well as mine workers. Clear yourself first that on what basis you have to apply SWOT matrix. The company now has ongoing contract mining arrangements with small scale miners. Initially, fast reading without taking notes and underlines should be done. Government authorities dismiss the increasing siltation as a natural phenomenon. In Mankayan, where Lepanto is operating, the land surface in populated areas is sinking, causing damage to buildings, farms and property. as the industry have high profits, many new entrants will try to enter into the market. Descendants of families displaced by dams have been reduced to illegal occupants in the dam’s watershed areas or settlers in land owned by others. In addition, the quantitative data in case, and its relations with other quantitative or qualitative variables should be given more importance. To make an appropriate case analyses, firstly, reader should mark the important problems that are happening in the organization. Another concern is the series of three mega hydroelectric dams built along the Agno River - the Ambuklao, Binga and San Roque dams – that block the river flow to generate electricity. Resources are also valuable if they provide customer satisfaction and increase customer value. More than half (51. In July 1999, Pablo Gomez, a villager in Mankayan, was killed when he was suddenly swept away in a landslide along with the Colalo Primary School building. Meanwhile, underground block-caving operations by Philex and Lepanto have induced surface subsidence and ground collapse. Home countries whose nationals and corporate entities inflict damage in developing countries, particularly on indigenous peoples, should impose some form of penalty on the offending parties. growing, stagnant or declining. Its changes and effects on company. The compatibility of objectives. When the Americans arrived in the 1900s, they entered into contracts with local families to file legal claims to mineral-bearing land. This area is collectively designated asiron ore, and chrome ore. the Baguio Mining District, which is considered as the While the industry has brought economic benefits, most important and productive mining area in theit has also taken its toll on the environment. Therefore there must be some resources and capabilities in an organization that can facilitate the competitive advantage to company. Case Study. [10] CA and PIPLinks. Mining in The PhiliPPines At the Gold of Our Ancestors exhibition in Manila’s Ayala Museum, more than 1,000 ... tion, responsible mining: connect the dots.” Case study: executive Order 79 and the Tampakan Project In July 2012, President Aquino released the [9] APIT Tako. Tailings dam 2 was constructed in the 1970s. Silt deposits built up in the dam reservoir and blocked oncoming silt that receded backwards upstream, swamping and inundating all farmlands and communities within reach. People’s Alternatives People’s alternatives to corporate mining and dams and indigenous systems of sustainable resource utilization and management can be found in indigenous communities in the Cordillera. Mining for Answers: A Philippine Case Study – Part 1 By Anthony Gokianluy • Oct 03, 2012 As the demand for raw materials is expected to surge over the next few decades, exporters and large multinational mining companies have expressed an increased interest in the vast untapped natural resources of Asia. However, the Ramos government took advantage of the energy crisis in the 1990s and initiated with Japanese funding, the construction of the San Roque Multipurpose Project. Change in Level of customer’s disposable income and its effect. Siltation Siltation of rivers is a serious problem in Benguet resulting from mining operations and dam construction. The MHP has built up the people’s capacity to develop their own local resources while ensuring affordable access of poor households to electricity. Any new technology in market that could affect the work, organization or industry. [6] Sure enough, open-pit mining in Itogon by Benguet Corporation has removed whole mountains and entire villages from the land surface. Mining in Philippine History [4] Cordillera Peoples Alliance. Aquatic life cannot survive in conditions where dissolved oxygen is below 2 mg/L. Retrieved from The first dam to be built along the Agno River was the Ambuklao Dam, followed by the Binga Dam. to get a comprehensive picture of analyses. %) of the plants found within the area are classified as endemics with 60. Pest analysis is very important and informative. . It was the first modern gold mine in the Philippines. Infamous incidents such as 1996 Marcopper mine disaster in Marinduque, and instances […] Twelve (12) other run-of-river mini-hydros, all privately operated, were also built in other parts of Benguet. However, the problem should be concisely define in no more than a paragraph. For example, using Aquafina in substitution of tap water, Pepsi in alternative of Coca Cola. Mining In Philippine History: Focus On The Cordillera Experience. The study centered on two case studies in separate areas of the country as a reflection of the microcosm of the national operations of the mining industry. Case Study About Illegal Mining In The Philippines, social media blessing or curse essay pdf, how to make citation in an essay, why should my class be able to revise your essays 14 days 10 days 7 days 5 days 4 days 3 days 2 days 24 hours 12 hours 8 hours 6 hours External environment that is effecting organization. The mine operations there have caused innumerable troubles; serious health and environmental problems have placed the community at risk. Any firm who has valuable and rare resources, and these resources are costly to imitate, have achieved their competitive advantage. What is Happening to the Abra River? These forces refers to micro environment and the company ability to serve its customers and make a profit. Breaking Promises, making profits. Mining in the Philippines. it is not possible for a company to not to take any action, therefore, the alternative of doing nothing is not viable. The high level of TDS and TSS from the CIP Mill Outlet up to Tailings Dam 5A indicates that the silt originates from company operations and is not due to natural siltation. it deals with the ability of customers to take down the prices. In … It is recommended to read guidelines before and after reading the case to understand what is asked and how the questions are to be answered. Thus we have a situation where most of the total land area of Benguet is covered by past, ongoing and future mining operations. The land damage has displaced homes and communities and caused the people to lose their lands. [16] In the case of Lepanto, the downstream impact of tailings disposal is that along a 25-kilometer stretch of the Abra River, some 465 hectares of riceland have been washed out. The copper dryer affected the 3 barangays of Paco, Colalo and Cabiten in Mankayan. It is very important to select the alternatives and then evaluate the best one as the company have limited choices and constraints. Aquatic organisms like udang (shrimp) and igat (eel) are reportedly becoming rare. To study the impact of surface coal mining activities in a part of JCF, a multi-temporal analysis of Landsat (TM and OLI/TIRS) data has been undertaken for the years between 2006 and 2016. Gold is the number one mineral produced by the Philippines in value terms. Not only are livelihood sources affected, but so is the general biodiversity damaged, causing breakdowns in the food web. The EIM conducted in September 2002 noted gross differences between the waterways located directly below the Lepanto mining operations and tributaries originating from sources elsewhere. Moreover, it is also called Internal-External Analysis. Among the bird species reported now to be rarely seen are: pagaw, tuklaw and kannaway. The Kankanaey, meanwhile dominate the northeast areas of Benguet. Brainstorm and assumption the changes that should be made to organization. But the different incidents and surveies done by. Answer the necessary questions that are related to specific needs of organization. Scholars Arctic Mining Case Study Tom Parker, 43, is now a field technician and coordinator for Arctic Mining Consultants. Objectives of the organization and key players in this case. This time, Philex refused to admit responsibility for the disaster putting the blame on nature. This legislation had no separate provision for small-scale mining since the activity was not practiced extensively then. Generally, open pits need to be very big – sometimes more than 2. It was only in the 1960’s that the first tailings dam was built. Small-scale mining is a community affair and access to resources is defined by customary laws, characterized by equitable sharing, cooperation and community solidarity. Employment patterns, job market trend and attitude towards work according to different age groups. 2000 [2] APIT Tako. If the selected alternative is fulfilling the above criteria, the decision should be taken straightforwardly. Breaking Promises, making profits. Impacts of Mines and Dams The combination of mines and dams in Benguet has had devastating impacts on the environment and on the Kankanaey and Ibaloy people in the province. The reasons that resource imitation is costly are historical conditions, casual ambiguity and social complexity. [12] Abandoned mine sites like Benguet Corporation and Itogon-Suyoc Mines in Itogon have long-term damaging impacts on rivers and their surrounding fields because of the build up of acidic mine water. The international community should develop minimum standards for the protection of the environment and human rights that are binding on all countries and companies, based on the highest existing standards, and with effective monitoring and sanctions imposed on the offending parties, be it the national government, funding institutions, or the companies. Mining in the Philippines Revisiting the Rim. This will help the manager to take the decision and drawing conclusion about the forces that would create a big impact on company and its resources. 6 Country Case Study on Artisanal and Small-scale Mining: Philippines Small-scale Miners’ Initiatives Cultural traditions of support also exist among the miners. After having a clear idea of what is defined in the case, we deliver it to the reader. To have a complete understanding of the case, one should focus on case reading. Best alternative should be selected must be the best when evaluating it on the decision criteria. Activities that can be avoided for Mining In The Philippines. 3rd Quarter 2005. [10] When Lepanto started operations in 1936, the company dumped mine tailings and waste straight into the river. Small scale mining has been practiced by Philippine peoples for at least ten centuries, and large scale mining by foreign as well as Filipino firms for about a century. The potential factors that effects bargaining power of suppliers are the following: Realistic solution should be identified that can be operated in the company, with all its constraints and opportunities. Competitor’s activities that can be seen as your weakness. Providing two undesirable alternatives to make the other one attractive is not acceptable. 4. However, if there are many suppliers alternative, suppliers have low bargaining power and company do not have to face high switching cost. When people’s health deteriorates, their ability to work and earn money is reduced even further. The author of this theory suggests that firm must be valuable, rare, imperfectly imitable and perfectly non sustainable. Land destruction, subsidence and water loss Corporate mining in Benguet is done by surface mining as well as underground tunneling and block caving. Mining patents granted by the government to mining companies have denied indigenous communities of their rights to ownership and control over their ancestral lands and resources. The challenging diagnosis for Mining In The Philippines and the management of information is needed to be provided. Next political elections and changes that will happen in the country due to these elections. Mining in the Philippines. SMALL-SCALE MINING (Lives at risk in the Philippine Gold Mines) INTRODUCTION Gold is the number one mineral produced by the Philippines … Research areas of government and education institutes in which the company can make any efforts, Changes in infra-structure and its effects on work flow, Existing technology that can facilitate the company, Other technological factors and their impacts on company and industry. Make sure that points identified should carry itself with strategy formulation process. Not known to many, Philex also practices open pit mining in Camp 3, Tuba, Benguet, presently affecting 98 hectares of land. There exists the Akwe:Kon voluntary guidelines, developed under the Convention of Biological Diversity, for the conduct of cultural, environmental and social impact assessments regarding developments proposed to take place on, or which are likely to impact on sacred sites and on lands and waters traditionally occupied or used by indigenous and local communities. It mainly consists the importance of a customer and the level of cost if a customer will switch from one product to another. Analyze the opportunities that would be happen due to the change. Therefore, in-depth understanding f case guidelines is very important. Little is known, though, about mining prior to the coming of the Spanish colonialists in the 16th century. A Primer on the Effects of Corporate Mining on the Abra River System. Countries that are home to transnational companies should enact legislation that will require those companies to operate using the same standards wherever they operate in the world. The drying up of natural water sources in another contributory factor in the poor health and sanitation in the community. Traditional small scale miners have lost their pocket mines and gold panning sites to the big mines and dams. 9 hectares or 55. And its effects on company, Effect of globalization on economic environment. [23] 6. His past experiences include claim staking, line cutting, grid installation, soil sampling, prospecting, and trenching. In the 1980s, widespread people’s resistance forced the Marcos government and the World Bank to give up its plans for major dam projects in the region. This case study summary is one of a set of seven from the Philippines. as the problem and its solution cannot occur at the same time, it should be described as mutually exclusive. this describes the threat to company. December 2001 and revised March 2002. San Roque multi-purpose project feasibility study: main report. can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. Tunneling often leads to a long-term lowering of the water table. The loss in aquatic life is a major change in the life support system of the communities who rely on the river for daily food. Mining in Philippine History [3] APIT Tako. A program for the restoration and rehabilitation of lands and waters destroyed by mines and dams should also be implemented. The five forces are discussed below: Vrio analysis for Mining In The Philippines case study identified the four main attributes which helps the organization to gain a competitive advantages. The San Roque dam, which has the generating capacity of 345 megawatts, is now generating only 18 megawatts. Therefore to select the best alternative, there are many factors that is needed to be kept in mind. After defining the problems and constraints, analysis of the case study is begin. In addition, the felling of timber to shore up underground tunnels has denuded surrounding watersheds, aggravating water loss. However, as communities are deprived of their land and resources, these traditional small-scale mining methods and positive values are now under threat of vanishing. It is very important to have a thorough reading and understanding of guidelines provided. These impacts have not only caused serious environmental destruction and suffering for the affected communities, but have also violated the collective rights of the indigenous peoples. Benguet has the highest plant species diversity within the river basin area compared to other provinces. Unique selling proposition of the company. SWOT analysis helps the business to identify its strengths and weaknesses, as well as understanding of opportunity that can be availed and the threat that the company is facing. Presently operating in Benguet are two large mines using high technology for large-scale mineral extraction. UK. Tag: case study El Nido Resorts as a case study for how going green means saving gold and doing good This is Part 3 in a series of articles on energy use in the Philippines, what we can all do to lessen energy use in our homes, and El Nido Resorts as a case study for how small changes mean big savings. In the case of Benguet where the indigenous people have already suffered and will continue to suffer enormous damage to their lands and environment due to the long-term impacts of mining and dams, proper and immediate compensation and reparation should be provided to all affected people to include adequate monetary compensation, sustainable livelihood, alternative land, employment and other sources of regular income. Ricefields in San Manuel and Binalonan, Pangasinan, were buried in toxic silt a meter deep. Fishkills occur every rainy season, attributed to the release of water from the tailings dams by the company. Geneva, Switzerland. It has a vulnerable population of 98 million people who are at risk from a variety of hazards, including 11 Nor do they let their animals drink from it. If there are few alternatives o supplier available, this will threat the company and it would have to purchase its raw material in supplier’s terms. The Benguet Mine was opened in 1907. [24] IV. In 1937, a disaster hit Gumatdang, Itogon’s oldest rice-producing village. December 2002. Background of the Study INTRODUCTION To achieve rapid economic development, many countries resort to various activities to use and take advantage of natural resources. CORDILLERA PEOPLES … . When the company started a fishpond in March 2001, all the fingerlings died after only 4 days. Child labour in small scale mining. Two of these ethnic groups, the Ibaloy and the Kankanaey, are found in the province of Benguet, which occupies 265,538 hectares of the Cordillera region’s total land area of 1. million hectares. Increase sales, market shares, return on investments. Now, the people in many mining-affected communities have to buy water for drinking and domestic use from outside sources through water delivery trucks, or by lining up for hours in the few remaining water sources to fill up a gallon of water. Residents observed fish disease and deformities, aside from a drop in the fish catch. [11] Save the Abra River Movement (STARM). Case Study 5: Nickel Mining – Mindoro Island “… I welcome Intex to the Philippines for what prom ises to be one of the world’s biggest, if not the biggest, nickel mining projects . The support managers undergo scenario-based training before day one on the job. [2] Corporate mining in Benguet started during the Spanish colonial period when Spanish businessmen secured a mining concession from the Igorots in Mancayan and launched the operations of the Sociedad Minero-Metalurgica Cantabro-Filipina de Mancayan in 1856. Tailings Dam 3 and a diversion tunnel gave way in 1986 during a strong typhoon. In addition, new mining explorations and applications are now coming into other parts of Benguet with renewed efforts by the government to invite foreign investments. In terms of livelihood, mining concessions have taken over lands used by indigenous peoples for their traditional livelihoods - ricefields, vegetable gardens, swiddens, hunting and grazing livestock. The power generated by these dams has gone to supply the power needs of the mining companies as well as the overall power demand of the Luzon Grid. Other political factors likely to change for Mining In The Philippines. 7% of the province’s total land area. The industry requires large volumes of water for mining, milling and waste disposal. Again, during a typhoon in 2001, another tailings dam of Philex collapsed. Main parts of research paper philippines study the Case mining about in, advantages and disadvantages of internet essay ielts about in study mining Case philippines the how to write an argumentative essay topics personal experience descriptive essay, title of a dictionary in an essay school playground scene essay. Background Land and People of Benguet The Cordillera region in Northern Luzon, Philippines, is homeland to more than 1 million indigenous peoples belonging to at least 8 distinct ethnic groups collectively known as Igorots. Whereas, the opportunities and threats are generally related from external environment of organization. This strategy helps the company to make any strategy that would differentiate the company from competitors, so that the organization can compete successfully in the industry. RARE: the resources of the Mining In The Philippines company that are not used by any other company are known as rare. Position and current economy trend i.e. As such, women have to carry the burden of ill health arising from environmental destruction and pollution due to mining operations. Another method used to evaluate the alternatives are the list of pros and cons of each alternative and one who has more pros than cons and can be workable under organizational constraints. Use particular terms (like USP, Core Competencies Analyses etc.) To analyze the structure of a company and its corporate strategy, Porter’s five forces model is used. The Philippines ­ Hazard Hotspot Case Study The Philippines is a group of 7000 islands in the South­China Sea in South­East Asia. Case Study 3: Copper and Gold Mining in Tampakan, South Cotabato – Mindanao Island by Robert Goodland and Clive Wicks for The Working Group on Mining in the Philippines Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present These two communities are now inundated because of the rising water level and accumulation of silt upstream along the Agno River. These guidelines should be made binding rather than voluntary and could be adopted as a minimum standard by international financial institutions and national governments when implementing development projects affecting indigenous peoples. Seventeen other mining companies followed suit in Baguio and Benguet. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy. [17] Further, Lepanto’s claim that Tailings Dam 5A is actually helping to contain siltation is deceiving. Following factors will influence the buying power of customers: Competitive advantage of company’s product. [1] Entry of mining, construction of dams Mining has a long history in the Philippines. This figure is aside from the area already covered by past and existing mines. Opportunities for Mining In The Philippines can be obtained from things such as: Change in technology and market strategies, Government policy changes that is related to the company’s field. It will also weaken the company’s position. Student should provide more than one decent solution. Therefore, it is necessary to continually review the Mining In The Philippines company’s activities and resources values. September 2003. An example of this is the ‘sagaok’ practice of Igorot gold miners in the northern part of the country. Mining in Philippine History [4] Cordillera Peoples Alliance. Environmental Management 11, 335–344 (1987) ., Small-Scale Mining in the Philippines: a Case Study, A Life Cycle Analysis Of A Dam Environmental Sciences Essay, Environmental & Health Impacts of Mining on Surrounding Communities. However, the new entrants will eventually cause decrease in overall industry profits. Aside from land subsidence, the water tables have also subsided as deep mining tunnels and drainage tunnels disrupt groundwater paths. Fluctuation in unemployment rate and its effect on hiring of skilled employees, Access to credit and loans. Philippine case study Presented to the EIR’s Eminent Person and participants at the meeting on Indigenous Peoples, Extractive Industries and the World Bank Oxford, England 15th April 2003 When the ‘Isles of Gold’ turn into Isles of Dissent: A Case Study on the Philippine Mining Act of 1995 By: Raymundo D. Rovillos Salvador B. Ramo if not, their reconciliations and necessary redefinition. Environment and Indigenous Peoples in Benguet, Cordillera, Philippines. WCD. Dec. 2004 [7] CA and PIPLinks [8] APIT TAKO. The abandoned open pit mine site, underground tunnels, waste dump sites, mill, diversion tunnels and tailings dams in Itogon still remain today. [21] Women are primarily responsible for maintaining the health of the family and the community. III. Itogon-Suyoc has 1 tailings dam that collapsed in 1994. In order to dig these giant holes, huge amounts of earth need to be moved, forests cleared, drainage systems diverted, and large amounts of dust let loose. 4] II. The Situation of Mining in the Cordillera Region, Philippines and its Impact on Land Rights and Indigenous Women. 3/7 Original: English UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL AFFAIRS Division for Social Policy and Development Co-organizers Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues Government of Khabarovsk Krai and the Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North (RAIPON) INTERNATIONAL EXPERT GROUP MEETING ON INDIGENOUS PEOPLES AND PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT KHABAROVSK, RUSSIAN FEDERATION AUGUST 27. Perform cost benefit analyses and take the appropriate action. Incidence of cancer is a cause for further study as it is among the top 3 causes of mortality in some affected communities. People of Mankayan remember the Abra River before the mine. An international system should be created to allow complaints to be filed by affected indigenous communities against companies, governments and financial institutions whose development programs and interventions violate the rights of ownership and control by indigenous peoples over their ancestral land, territories and resources and cause serious destruction of the environment. As proven by the experience of the Benguet indigenous peoples, large-scale corporate mining and dams destroy, pollute, disrupt agricultural economies, and displace indigenous peoples. These are the Lepanto Consolidated Mining Company (operating for 70 years) and the Philex Mining Corporation (operating since 1955).