Genetic Calculator 1.3 Indian Ringnecked Parrot _____ The Earth is not flat and the Sun does not revolve around the Earth. It’s very common to hear Caiques as ‘the clowns of the parrot kingdom’, courtesy, their energetic, fearless, and bold nature. The science of rosy-faced lovebird colour genetics deals with the heredity of colour variation in the feathers of the species known as Agapornis roseicollis, commonly known as the rosy-faced lovebird or peach-faced lovebird. How to travel with a parrot by plane, First of all, we would like to inform you that after quite extensive research, we have found very few airlines that accept parrots on board. The Alexandrine parakeet is one of the largest species of parakeet (long tail) species, thus often being the largest parrot in their native range. Below are links to pages I've put together, that explains the Mutations and Genetics of the birds I raise. It also depends a lot on the country you want to take it to. If you are new to my blog you should start reading about this project here . 02:13 Alexandrine, Breeding, Genetics, IRN, Lutino, Parrot Introduction The Alexandrine is a beautiful bird similar in appearance to the Indian Ringneck. ABOUT US African Parrot is your guide to adopt this wonderful pet bird . These medium-sized parrots have bounteous attitudes. As with all African Greys they are extremely intelligent. Everything you need to know health diet nutrition, cage size, and toys, breeding, talking parrot, Parrot Flight Training. See more ideas about ringneck bird, birds, parakeet. Genetics''genetic calculator 1 3 bourke s parrot june 22nd, 2018 - genetic calculator 1 3 species bourke s parrot neopsephotus bourkii result 1 0 natural x 0 1 natural from all 1 0 100 0 1 0 natural from all' 'Bourke Parakeet Mutations had six tame Rosy Bourkes Adult birds commonly weigh between 200 and 300 g. It is mainly green with a blue-grey sheen on its cheeks and nape, particularly in males. The abdomen is yellowish-green, the upperside of the middle tail feathers is blueish-green, the u… Several online Genetic Calculator Tools have been created and are used to virtually evaluate offspring mutation possibilities from test breeding. Newton's parakeet (Psittacula exsul), also known as the Rodrigues parakeet or Rodrigues ring-necked parakeet, is an extinct species of parrot that was endemic to the Mascarene island of Rodrigues in the western Indian Ocean.Several of its features diverged from related species, indicating long-term isolation on Rodrigues and subsequent adaptation. This is your bridge to the parrot world African Grey,Congo, Timneh . Breeding Ringnecks and following colour genectics can be very addictive. Indian Ringneck Parrots: Photos of Indian Ringneck mutations, including Cinnamon Blue Mutation, Blue Mutation, Pastel Blue Mutation, White-headed Pastel Blue Mutation, Lutino (Yellow) Mutation, Grey Mutation and Albino and Pied Mutations It is named after Alexander the Great, who transported numerous birds from Punjab to various European and Mediterranean countries and regions, where they were prized by the royalty, nobility and warlords. The Alexandrine parakeet (Psittacula eupatria), also known as the Alexandrine parrot, is a medium-sized parrot in the genus Psittacula of the family Psittaculidae.It is named after Alexander the Great, who transported numerous birds from Punjab to various European and Mediterranean countries and regions, where they were prized by the royalty, nobility and warlords. gencalc Mutation parrot genetics genetic calculator gallery martin rasek Website IP Informatie Domein is u of uw bedrijf ID op het internet, wanneer u een aanvraag om verbinding met internet, zullen ze je protocol nummer. Shows the probabilities for each outcome. Don't be afraid to question what you learn. Then type in the colour of your parent birds to see what the breeding outcome will be. This is your bridge to the parrot world African Grey,Congo, Timneh new METHODs: Try Chicken Quest You can find out the genes of your chickens by answering question by question, one trait at a time. Everything you need to know health diet nutrition, cage size, and toys, breeding, talking parrot, Parrot Flight Training. They have a … Only colorgen Would you like to be able to take it close to you without having to suffer its bites? Sep 10, 2016 - gencalc, Mutation, parrot, genetics, genetic, calculator, gallery, martin, rasek Your parrot bites you and you are fed up? Click Here To Go To The Genetic Calculator Web Page This site was designed with the .com website builder. This species measures 58 cm (23 in) in total length with a wing length averaging 18.9–21.5 cm (7.5–8.5 in) and a tail length of 21.5 - 35.5 cm. The Alexandrine parakeet (Psittacula eupatria), also known as the Alexandrine parrot, is a medium-sized parrot in the genus Psittacula of the family Psittacidae. Scientific Name: Psittacula eupatria Common Name/s: ALEXANDRINE PARROT. Genetic Calculator 1.3 Lineolated Parrot Dr Pepper Cobalt Parrot Animals Color Parrot Bird Animales Colour Animaux Mutation Colors & Pricing Our babies are a labor of love. Do a google search on Genetic Calculator and lots of listings appear. Rosy-faced lovebirds have the deepest range of mutations available of all the Agapornis species. Genetic Calculator (Free Service) A Genetic Calculator for parrot mutations. Description Red Factor African-Grey Babies Biography Red Factor African-Grey Babies are an unbelievably rare genetic mutation of a traditional African Grey. Create your website today. ABOUT US African Parrot is your guide to adopt this wonderful pet bird . Select 2 breeds of chickens and do a cross Find the breed of chicken first Kip Calculator - Chicken Calculator The original basic Chicken Calculator with a lot of hints and visual examples about how the genes work. 5 talking about this. African Greys they … Breeding Alexandrine Mutations: Blue & Grey Unknown 04:14 Alexandrine, Blue, Genetics, Hybrid, IRN, Mutation, Ringneck In order to achieve a visual blue or grey, both parents must carry the blue gene as blue is a recessive mutation. Aug 8, 2016 - Explore Kristy Baker's board "INDIAN RINGNECK BIRDS & MUTATIONS", followed by 302 people on Pinterest. Here is our favorite online genetic calculator .. Calculates all the possible genetic outcomes for any combination of breeding pair. I've written it out in easy to understand ways, and almost all the info can be used on any parrot with mutations, some species work a bit differently, but for the An Asiatic Parrot (Click on photo to enlarge) Photo of 10 week old youngster. Contact us if you would like help using it, or would like help making good pairings. Genetic Calculator 1.3 Species: Pacific Parrotlet Forpus coelestis 1.0 0.1 Symbol Mutations Inherit. mode Visual splits to Visual splits to Structural g grey re Sex-linked Recessive op opaline se (df) (sf) (df) (sf) a NSLino re dil dilute re f yellow(am.) This page represents my breeding of Scarlet-chested Parrot. This is a naturally occurring genetic mutation which is why it’s so rare. Alexandrine Parrot or Psittacula eupatria, their breeding feeding housing. You could always try out a genetic calculator! Sep 10, 2016 - gencalc, Mutation, parrot, genetics, genetic, calculator, gallery, martin, rasek Animals And Pet Supplies • 04:11 Alexandrine, AMP, Blue, IRN, Lutino, Mutation, Parrot This post relates to my Alexandrine Mutations Project.