I've called around to a bunch of bait stores from here to Ely and asked approximately how many 4" small suckers to a gallon. I love bettas, they are full of personality! A White Cloud Mountain Minnow should be kept in at least a 10 gallon aquarium. They may vary based upon spawning, time of the year and the grader size. Holding Temperature: 50-52 degrees Counts per gallon are approximate. Minnows are not very expensive and you can purchase them from a bait store, pet store or online. I've called around to a bunch of bait stores from here to Ely and asked approximately how many 4" small suckers to a gallon. But they need lots of space to move freely. You'd get maybe 3-4 in there comfortably. Consider the size of your tank when deciding how many minnows you want to start out with. Some items are seasonal. Ask your local bait shop about the availability of these items if they do not have them in stock. Have received answers ranging between 12 and 85 dozen so I thought I'd post it on here for clarification. I have two 10 gallon tanks, at the moment one holds minnows from a pond in a pasture behind my house, the other 3 adult guppies and 9 of their babies (I'm planning on getting 1 more male because im not expecting them all to survive, especially the newest) Later on I'm going to throw those minnows back to the pond (probally tomorrow, I cant keep a tank empty for long at all! at home i have two tanks i store minnows in. Fatheads sold by the gallon are usually displaced, meaning, how many minnows does it take to displace 1 gallon of water. If you live near a lake or river and it is allowed you can trap or seine for the minnows you need. i dont know how many crappie sized minnows are in a poound, but you aint gonna keep a pound alive in a regular minnow bucket. Just make sure you have a heater. They are sold both by the pound and gallon around here. This would be suitable for up to 5 Cloud Minnows. You could always put a betta in the five gallon! A five gallon is even better than that. Black Day Blue Night Ending, Beautiful Mess In Tagalog, Mychart Radys Activation Code, Titleist 718 Mb Irons, Vinnie's Pizzeria Brooklyn, Python Multiple Return Statements Best Practice, My Reputation Reviews, Record Of Youth Release Date, " /> , Beautiful Mess In Tagalog, Mychart Radys Activation Code, Titleist 718 Mb Irons, Vinnie's Pizzeria so i can store a lot of minnows if i need to. Type Count Per Pound Size/Length Shipping Box Size Count Per Box #4: 250: 1 1/2" 4 lb: 1000 #6: 166: 2 1/4" 4 lb: 664 #8: 125: 2 1/2" N/A: N/A #12: 83: 3" 5 lb: 415 #20: 50: 3 1/2" 5 lb Minnows. Have received answers ranging between 12 and 85 dozen so I thought I'd post it on here for clarification. Highest price I have seen around here was 44.00/gallon. Don’t overcrowd your tank since too many fish decrease the oxygen and increase the heat, causing them to die quickly. You will need 2 gallons of water for each White Cloud in … In a 2.5, you'll be able to house 2-3 max. HAHA) and also for using minnow heads to tip my jigs. I needed something to hold a few minnows for my tip-up (its embarrassing saying that since i only have the 1. A ten makes them and you happier, usually allowing for 7-8 happily : ) Best of Luck! Go for a ten gallon, white cloud mountain minnows can very beautiful. one is a 55 gallon filtrated and aerated plastic drum and then i have a tank about 250 gals, filtrated and aerated. If you plan to keep your minnows for a few days, use 1 ounce of hydrogen peroxide for every 3 gallons of water to assist with the formation of oxygen that the fish are depleting. I even taught mine to jump and grab food from my finger. A gallon of fatheads will weigh somewhere in the upper 7 lb range. 10 gallons is much better for minnows. i usually put 5 to 8 dozen in a bucket, depending on the temps. I had a gift card for Gander Mountain and got one of the little half gallon insulated clam bait buckets. For a five gallon you can't put much.