Select the output for the Eboot For cheats, install the CWCheat PSP plugin for a huge selection of Action Replay codes; Autoplugin All of the necessary information will automatically be filled in. Multiple bins to 1 eboot with PSX2PSP? The ripping software I personally use is Alcohol 52% which has a Playstation template for its ripping so it will read and dump all data. CheeseMan13, Dec 5, 2018, in forum: PSP - Hacking & Homebrew. 5. I have Selected Alundra 2. then you open imgburn or whatever program you use to copy cd's and tell it to make an image out of the disk in the drive you created with daemon tools. here: this will make you a new bin/cue of the game which is not split into 12 pieces. We are going to use PSX2PSP to make our Eboot.PBP. 2. Using Pocket ISO before PSX2PSP may resolve conversion issues with these games, just as it does with homebrew software. Now select an output folder for your finished PSP eboot. Download that below: Download: PSX2PSP_v.1.4.2. * Added effects to customized icons. PSX2PSP v.1.4.2 info: * Bugfix, iso.ccd and iso.cue files where not deleted after extracting iso. It is free and you can download it Here Step 2. - Fix some bugs - New functions order 2.61 Now we have a Playstation image (.IMG and .CCD files) lets move on to converting this to an eboot which can be use on your PSP. Check theme pic below. It contains a simple theme editor and src for the theme editor. PSX2PSP v.1.4.1 info: * Fixed bug that made single disc games not work. PSX2PSP is a tool for converting Playstation (PS1) game ISO/BIN files to PSP Eboots for use with PSP systems which have custom firmware. PSP Downloads Development; Development Libraries PSX2PSP v.1.4 info: * Added some more multi disc stuff and changed how multi disc games are selected. * Added support for multi disc games. There are a handful of commercial releases that experience issues when converted to eboot using PSX2PSP alone, and are considered by many to be unconvertable without hex editing or manual image building. Multiman PS3 multiple discs wont show up. For all your PSP Needs. i found the base.pbp file in another release and put it to the FILES directory (i'm using the psx2psp from the downloads section of this site) and everything went fine. Load the PSX_GAME_Title .IMG you just make or another PSX image you have. I'm working on adding these features to the app. Browse for your Playstation game backup. It contains Theme_white.psd and cIcon0.psd. PSX2PSP v.1.3 info: * Added support for 80x80 icons. Kingsquitter 2 days ago released a new version of his Popstation GUI, heres whats new: Currently it's only possible to create multi disc PBPs but not modify or extract isos from them. Copy psx2psp.png in /usr/share/icons if you want to use PSX2PSP.desktop Last changelog: 14 years ago. PSX2PSP. 1. PSX2PSP v.1.2 info: * Fixed bugs in popstation.dll. Eboots created using this will not work on PSP with Official Firmware Download PSX2PSP Hide similar threads Similar threads with keywords - multiple, PSX2PSP, discs. but after copying the converted directory to the //psp/game i used the file, some cautions about reading the software manual blablabla but then only a black screen. 2.60 - Now you can select 2 different backgrounds - Now you can select personal TrueTypeFont for game title - Now you can view preview for images. PSX2PSP is a Windows application that allows you to convert PSX disc images to the EBOOT.PBP format so they can be played on your PS Vita using the Adrenaline ePSP; CWCheat. I've also attached * Added support to change multi disc games. Replies: 12 Views: 17,798. g4r37h Aug 30, 2019. 6. I've attached As for multiple disk games, use the drop down and select ISO/PBP File 2 and browse for disk 2, ISO/PBP File 3, and browse for disk 3 and so on.