Light: Full sun. They are extremely fragrant, While the lilac grows best in sunny sites, it will not tolerate hot, humid conditions. Scentura Pura is a deciduous shrub, growing up to 6 foot tall and wide, and retains every bit of the charm of its parent plant, and is sized perfectly for today’s home landscapes and urban developments. During long periods of drought conditions your lilac should be given 1 to 2 inches of water weekly to avoid wilting. The plant that most of us identify as a lilac is the common lilac, Syringa vulgaris. Old flowers should be removed as soon as they fade. Zones: 3-7. Visit a nursery to pick out a variety of lilac to grow. When the conditions are ideal, this flowering shrub can grow up to 8 inches in a year. Provide medium to low humidity and when in growth water moderately whilst applying a balanced liquid fertiliser monthly. Water: Plant in moist, well-drained soil. Others, such as Syringa reticulata, become 20 to 30 - … Even when not in bloom, this fast-growing flowering shrub will still look vibrant with its lush and dark green heart-shape leaves. Lilacs are a beautiful plant to grow, with big bunches of colourful flowers. Size: To 12 feet tall and 8 feet wide. Use our Plant Finder to find the perfect companion plants for your lilac shrubs. Plant near a window or pathway where the fragrant blooms can be enjoyed. In this short(ish) guide, you’ll learn the ins and outs of growing lilacs so you can enjoy them at home. Unfortunately, these lilacs do not like the heat they encounter in the warmer parts of our state … Cultivation Can be grown outdoors in moist, fertile acidic soil. Lilacs tolerate a range of conditions but thrive, exuberate, and radiate beauty when they are grown in moist but well-drained, neutral to alkaline soil in full sun (at least 6 hours). Mulching around the bush will help the soil retain moisture for an extended time. Buy It: 'Sensation' Lilac, $29.00, White Flower Farm Some plants, such as Palibin' and Superba lilacs, grow into 5 to 6 - foot bushes. In addition to color, pay attention to the full-grown height of the plant. Some varieties of common lilac will do pretty well in the North Carolina mountains. Ideal as a flowering hedge or screen. The soil can be supplemented with peat or leaf mold. While the name lilac can refer to the genus of 12 species of plants in the olive family, when most people say lilac, they’re talking specifically of the common lilac, Syringa vulgaris. under glass or in containers grow in a mix of equal parts loam-based potting compost, sharp sand and leaf mould in full light with shade from hot sun. Its purple blooms are distinctly edged in white. Abundant clusters of sweetly fragrant, purple flowers in mid-spring on a vigorous, upright, multi-stemmed shrub with heart-shaped, green foliage. The Korea lilac can grow into a medium bush, with its height reaching four to … Deciduous. The best time to prune lilacs is just flowering. It blooms 7 to 10 days earlier than the common lilac and has none of its troublesome plant disease tendencies. 9. How to grow. Choose lilac bushes to plant. Height and spread. It prefers well drained, moist soil with a neutral or slightly alkaline pH. Lilacs are shrubs and faster growers, especially during the springtime.