conditions of our. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Alice.Alice who?Alice fair in love and war. 101. 75. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Aida.Aida who?Aida sandwich for lunch today. If the most important ingredient in comedy is surprise, then knock knock jokes might very well be the truest form of comedy. 1. 57. 11. Lightbulb Joke: A joke that starts with "How many X does it take to change a light bulb?" is published by me, Barbara J. Feldman: mom, wife, syndicated columnist, and founder of Knock, knock Who's there? 74. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Banana.Banana who?Knock, knock.Banana.Banana who?Knock, knock.Who’s there?Orange.Orange who?Orange you glad I didn’t say banana? Give me your money! Knock, knock.Who’s there?Ketchup.Ketchup who?Ketchup with me and I’ll tell you! 44. Many of these jokes have been submitted by kids visiting our playhouse. 69. Look, right there! A selection of the 20 funniest knock knock jokes on the internet. Ad Choices. 79. Knock Knock Jokes. Knock knock.Who’s there?Roach.Roach who?Roach you a text. one + seven = 156 Comments. Do not sell my personal information. 8. 25. 18. 33. 59. 90. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Alec.Alec who?Alectricity. 58. Heart Marshmallow Tinker Toys. Knock Knock Jokes! Don’t you have things to do? 4. 84. Check out our top 25 picks for the most hilarious knock knock jokes that are sure to get your friends and family belly laughing. Special Education Technology - British Columbia 105-1750 West 75th Avenue Vancouver, B.C., Canada VO 6G2 Phone: 604 261-9450 Fax: 604 261-2256 We know these jokes will make you and your kids laugh out loud! Funny trick or treating knock knock jokes, Knock knock jokes for Halloween. Mouthwatering recipes, handy kitchen tips, and more delivered to your inbox, LOL! Read our collection of funny jokes, riddles and knock knock jokes! iStock/RuthBlack, iStock/Elena Elisseeva Knock, knock.Who’s there?Canoe.Canoe who?Canoe come out now? We are confident that you will read them with a big smile on your face. 31. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Police.Police who?Police let me in, it’s chilly out! It is a role-play exercise, with a punster and a recipient of wit. The joke is over. 23. "Why did the chicken cross the road?" Knock, knock.Who’s there?Noah.Noah who?Noah good place we can go hang out? Enjoy! 73. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Dozen.Dozen who?Dozen anyone want to let me in? 22. 42. Recently,he displayed Kraft Marshmallows and their claim about being"The official marshmallow of the Starship U.S.S. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Alfie.Alfie who?Alfie terrible if you don’t let me in! Topic of Interest: knock knock jokes, tagalog knock knock jokes, pinoy knock knock jokes, knock knock jokes pinoy, knock knock jokes 2013 . 34. "[pun about X]". It looks as though you’ve already said that. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Hal.Hal who?Hal will you know if you don’t open the door? Knock, knock.Who’s there?Viper.Viper who?Viper nose, it’s running! 19. Or they can be used to break the ice at work. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Ivor.Ivor who?Ivor you let me in or I’ll climb through the window. Even when they're awful, they're amazing, and they're all about surprise. 35. 2. But truth be told, even adults appreciate a good knock knock joke every now and then. Martha Stewart vs Me... Martha's way: Stuff a miniature marshmallow in the bottom of a sugar cone to prevent ice cream drips. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Anee.Anee who?Anee one you like! Great jokes for parents, teachers, Halloween parties, babysitters, haunted houses and more – and they’re safe for kids of all ages! Elephant jokes and riddles for kids by kids. Knock Knock Jokes. Your use of this website constitutes and manifests your acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy, Cookie Notification, and awareness of the California Privacy Rights. Knock knock.Who’s there?Otto.Otto who?Otto know. 7. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Somebody too short to ring the doorbell! 1. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Cash.Cash who?Nah, I’m more into almonds. Please try again. Enterprise. 40. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Figs.Figs who?Figs the doorbell, it’s not working! 60. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Iran.Iran who?Iran here. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Althea.Althea who?Althea later alligator! Marshmallow Jokes. Good knock knock jokes have been making people laugh for ages, regardless of their age. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Amanda.Amanda who?A man da fix your door! I forgot. Knock knock jokes are used by both children and adults as a play with words. Knock, KnockWho’s there?Nobel.Nobel who?Nobel…that’s why I knocked! Read them and see if you agree with our selection. Lettuce who? Enterprise. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Dozen.Dozen who?Dozen anybody want to let me in? Lawyer Jokes. Just pop a marshmallow on top of each cupcake about a minute or so before they come out of the oven. 43. 14. I'm not making this up. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Andrew.Andrew who?Andrew a picture! It can be clipped to a belt or almost anything.The official marshmallow of the Starship U.S.S. You are posting comments too quickly. I n order to start the Joke Massacre here, ... Marshmallow Jan 15, 2021. Riddles. Military Jokes. Everything after this sentence isquoted from a coupon offer in the San Francisco Chronicleof Sunday June 25, 1989 from Kraft foods and referencing acopyright of Paramount Pictures Corporation.Get your One-of-a-KindStar Trek V (the final frontier)Kraft Marshmallow DispenserExperience the 23rd century with a one-of-a-kind, futuristicmarshmallow dispenser. 77. – Come on now, you know a burglar wouldn’t knock! Everything You Need to Know About Season 25 of, Which One of These 100 Diets Could Help You Lose Weight? 86. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Harry.Harry who?Harry up, it’s cold outside! Recreate 20 Romantic Cocktails From Around the World. Knock-knock jokes, for kids and adults, are famous for their repetitive and universally recognized format. Clean jokes for kids and people of all ages. Knock, knock.Who’s there?A little old lady.A little old lady who?Hey, you can yodel! Dying to Have a Dog, Even Though You Live In an Apartment? Back to Jokes. These jokes are clean and family friendly and will definitely get everyone laughing. Kids, grandparents, and everyone in between gets a kick out of a funny knock knock joke… Empty comment. Slow down. knock knock. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Spell.Spell who?W. 68. Let’s go out. Jokes By Kids is now also available as free app. 48. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Icy.Icy who?Icy you looking at me! Knock, knock.Who’s there?To.To who?Actually, it’s to whom. Open up! Knock, knock.Who’s there?Dwayne.Dwayne who?Dwayne the tub, I’m dwowning. 71. Comments and questions are welcome at 98. History Biography Geography Science Games. In terms of their unparalleled ability to annoy parents, they rank one step below baby drum sets and just above the baby shark song. In Honor of Jennifer Aniston’s Birthday, We’re Looking Back at Her Hair Evolution in 22 Photos, One Fan-Favorite Returns and Another Gets Eliminated on, Rise and Shine! Knock, knock.Who’s there?Cows goCows go who?Cows don’t go who, they go moo! Knock, knock.Who’s there?Two knee.Two knee who?Two-knee fish! Celebrity interviews, recipes and health tips delivered to your inbox. 32. The 16 Best, Scariest Horror Movies To Binge Watch on Netflix Right Now, Sealed With a Kiss! The 26 Best Online Games to Play With Friends While Social Distancing. You're PURRRRR-fect for me! 46. 94. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Voodoo.Voodoo who?Voodoo you think you are? It makes a delicious, instant, gooey frosting. "Who's there?" We've Got Tons of Info to Help You Decide. 36. Knock, knock.Who’s there?Orange.Orange who?Orange you going to let me in?