Most insurance cards do not have a group name on them, but they do have a group number. If you are in a plan through your job or another group, it will also be listed on your card. The sample card below shows where you might find your member ID number and your group number. If you purchased your insurance through the health exchange you might not have a group number. Each employer choses a package for their employees based on price, or types of coverage. This is identified through the group number. Thus, you may see cards with ID numbers consisting of the prefix followed by between six and 14 numbers/letters. On my card, the group number is listed below the enrollee's name, which is below the contract number. Anonymous. claim address or telephone number on the back of the card. A correct member ID number includes the prefix in the first three positions and all subsequent characters — up to a total of 17 positions. Medicare insurance is not a group policy. Please contact Customer Service at 1-888-671-6871 for your group number. 14 Call the customer service number(s) indicated on the card. Your Plan Type. There is no group number. ... GROUP No. Where can I find my Medicare insurance group number? 6 years ago. The card you have will still work. Please Note: FEP Members: If you are part of the Federal Employee Program (FEP), you should use Group Number 53533 when registering. Yes, they all issue insurance cards - but only the primary insured party (the stepson's mom's new husband if I understand you correctly) can request the card through his employer. If you have not utilized your health card for a long time or recently switched health insurance providers and you cannot get sufficient information from your new insurance card, it can be quite confusing. number on any documents pertaining to services to ensure accurate handling by the Blue Plan. ads/bitcoin2.txt 8234567 CERTIFICATE No. A car insurance policy number is, on average, is an 8-10 digit number in your car insurance card. The group number is a number given to employer to identify the employee health insurance policy. 12 Precertification requirements may be shown as either “Inpatient Admission” or “Inpatient Admission and Outpatient Procedures.’’ Submit claims to the claim submission address shown on the card. National insurance number cards are no longer issued and have been replaced by an official hmrc. This Site Might Help You. Member ID Number: identifies you, the insured. Your health insurance ID card will let you know the type of plan you have. A group health insurance policy number is given to employees to identify their card details and the dependents on that account. Your Group Number can be found on your Blue Cross and Blue Shield ID Card. Group number: Identifies your employer plan. There is no group number. Since health insurance cards and the information contained on them vary widely by provider, you'll want to call your insurance company using the contact number on the health insurance card if you are unsure about anything on the card 3. Keep in mind that this is only a sample card, and your card … 1 1. Refer to this number if you need to call your insurer with any questions. 123 456 789 DRUG INSURANCE DENTAL INSURANCE No ID card yet? On my insurance card the only number i see is just one big thing with 3 letters then a bunch of numbers (it resembles abc68484023 00 q). No problem. • How to use the insurance card to determine – Policy ID ... – policy number and – Member ID from the insurance card • How to distinguish health benefits card from dental, vision and out-of-country card. In the event you have numerous cars, you may possibly have your entire cars recorded on a single card, or else you also may possibly have an alternative number or card to get every single motor vehicle.