Orange fungus. Cup Fungi [ Ascomycota. This fungus, like other members of the cup fungi family, has a cup-like body with folds and is a brilliant orange color, which some may mistake for a discarded orange peel. In fact the cup-shaped mushrooms are very diverse, comprising several different families and genera in the Ascomycota. Aleuria aurantia (orange peel fungus) is a widespread ascomycete fungus in the order Pezizales.The brilliant orange, cup-shaped ascocarps often resemble orange peels strewn on the ground, giving this species its common name. Peziza repanda. . ] Eyelash Cup 19. The Orange Peel Fungus is readily recognized by the bright orange, cup-shaped fruiting structures it forms on soil. Scutellinia erinaceus 18. by Michael Kuo "Cup fungi" is not a very scientific term, but it holds together many mushrooms that are shaped more or less like cups, saucers, or goblets. So what is orange peel fungus… Mushroom Observer is a forum where amateur and professional mycologists can come together and celebrate their common passion for mushrooms by discussing and sharing photos of mushroom sightings from around the world. Fairy Fingers (Clavaria fragilis) One of the most surprising and unusual fungi species to find in the forests of the Pacific Northwest, this worm-like/coral-like white-to-yellow club fungus was only noticed as I stopped to re-tie a boot’s laces in Mercer Slough in Bellevue, Washington. Aleuria aurantia - Orange Peel Fungus. Peziza proteana 32. Aleuria aurantia. . Scutellinia scutellata. Peziza praetervisa. The cups do not have a stalk, so that they rest directly on the soil. Because of the cup shaping of this mushroom, it has also been referred to as the orange fairy cup fungus. Palomino cup 37. Jun 21, 2015 - If you?ve ever come across a fungus reminiscent of an orange looking cup, then it?s likely orange fairy cup fungus, also known as orange peel fungus. A swirling orange mushroom fungus growing on the forest floor in the autumn. Growing on grey outdoor tiles. Peziza varia 38. volva (cup) consisting of 2-3 scaly rings on stalk above bulbous base Season of fruiting: Summer-fall Ecosystem function: Mycorrhizal with hardwoods and conifers Edibility: Poisonous Fungal note: Th is fungus forms fairy rings that grow radially 3-5 inches every year. All Fungi. ... Purple Fairy Cup 36. A cluster of orange cup fairy fungus specimen is displayed growing on an open habitat. Orange Fungus. USF Species Project Florida Fungi. Operculate Cup Fungi (Pezizales) ... orange peel fungus 16. It is a small to medium-sized mushroom and can grow to the size of a small orange. Orange peel fungus (Aleuria aurantia), or orange fairy cup fungus is a striking fungi that can be found growing throughout North America, especially during the summer and fall. Stalked Hairy Fairy Cup Fungus: Stalked Hairy Fairy Cup Fungus: Honeycomb Coral Slime Mold: Chocolate Tube Slime: Hexagonal-pored Polypore Mushroom: ... Green Wood-cup Fungus: Orange Jelly Fungus: Witch's Butter Fungus: Asian Beauty Fungus: Pear-shaped Puffball Mushroom: Orange Mock Oyster Mushroom: Aleuria rhenana. Scientific Name Common Name Family Stalked Orange-peel Fungus 17. The Fairy Inkcap, Coprinellus disseminatus, rarely ventures forth alone or even with just a few friends; more often it forms dense masses swarming over rotting tree stumps and roots. Orange Peel Fungus (Orange Fairy Cup) Aleuria aurantia. Mike Ostry, U.S. Forest Service …