It belongs to the dogbane family, Apocynaceae. This is a sun-loving houseplant so always pick the sunniest spot you have. Pachypodium brevicaule (Baker): Considered by some to be the oddest looking succulent species.It has bulbous, silvery stems that spread outward, but never get more than 6.0" tall. Soil. Pachypodium bispinosum (This plant comes in a 3.5" pot. This succulent is perfect for an ornamental decoration. Pachypodium brevicaule is the smallest and strangest species of its genus, growing no more than 3 inches tall after many decades. They'll still do pretty well in bright conditions, but anything considered "medium" light or lower should be avoided.These plants put out almost all of their new growth during the Summer. Watering. Description: Pachypodium horombense is a succulent shrublet about 1.5 m high with a plump, bottle-shaped, main stem surmounted by a number of short, spiny fat arms each bearing a rosette of leaves and a single long-peduncled inflorescence that carries 3-10, broadly cup-shaped, horizontal, gold flowers during the warm months of the year. Pachypodium comes from a Latin form from Greek pachus (thick) and podion (foot) (or Gk podos, root form of pous, foot), hence meaning thick-footed. Care: It is considered to be one of the easiest pachypodium to grow in cultivation as it is a rapid grower and tolerates lower temperatures. Family: Apocynaceae Habitat: Madagascar and South Africa Cultivation: They are from very hot environments, so the Pachypodium needs direct light and high temperatures (above 12 ° C and even up to 40 ° C). It arrived in a 3", square, plastic growing pot, 'still is,' in very well-drainiing soil. I bought P. brevicaule last summer, 2010. This Madgascar native is adapted to blend in among quartz boulders and grass. Pachypodium horombense in the Huntington as a very old plant; younger plant (photo by RWhis); Flower (photo by RUK) Pachypodium brevicaule is a very unusual plant, rarely growing over 2" in height and looking a bit like a plop of molten silver lava. Standard mixes for cacti and succulents can be used. It has a thick Summer afternoon sun is welcome. However it is important to keep it dry in the cooler winter months to avoid rot. You will receive a very similar plant to the one in the picture. The majority of the care for the Pachypodiums is during the growth phase, but there are also some kinds of type 'with small leaves' , in which the most complicated and risky period is the period of rest. Leaves are short and tear-drop shaped, light green with a light midrib. Pachypodium is a genus of succulent spine-bearing trees and shrubs, native to Madagascar and Africa. Hello. Pachypodium Care Guide Light. Let the soil dry between the waterings. The soil should always be slightly damp. It may or may not be blooming at the time of your purchase. Care Lighting. Its tiny branch nubs sprout thin, green leaves that fall off during its winter dormancy and re-sprout in spring. When mature these plants look like molten metal blobs crawling along the crevices of sandstone faces in the mountains of Madagascar. The pachy is 1/16th size of a golf ball. The plant is shipped in its pot to prevent any damage to the roots). lol. Pachypodium saundersii likes to be placed in partial to full sun with a minimum of 3 hours direct sunlight per day. It will do best in bright light, avoiding moist shady situations.