Down there feels heavy. "While pregnant with my first, my breasts were ginormous. 29 weeks on Saturday but my belly is getting really heavy feeling and tight obviously pointing the obvious that she will be getting bigger but is this normal I think im just starting to get sore now as the weeks get on and being a bit paranoid with this being my first pregnancy I dont understand what all the pains mean . Posted 7/5/15. Posted by Dr. Chris. They fluctuate usually anywhere between the 20th and the end of the month. Your skin is doing some mighty work, as it stretches to accommodate your growing belly. In pregnancy, the growing stages of the fetus will cause a feeling of tightness in the abdominal wall, usually in the lower stomach region. This is when a fertilised egg implants outside the womb, for example in a fallopian tube. It also kind of takes my breath away. Hi all, I've had a funny sensation yesterday and today in the lower part of my bump, just below the belly button, it feels 'weighted' and kind of heavy. If you start feeling these symptoms, drink some water and rest to see if they ease up or go away within an hour. Ascites. Developing Foetal skeleton. when you feel for contractions, place your hands on your stomach, over your uterus; feel for tightening should be felt all over the uterus 2. The stomach itself may feel tight, stretched, or uncomfortably heavy. Kinda hard to explain! Usually you can start to feel them at about 25-27 weeks, I felt mine earlier but also thought it was the baby squashing up against my belly. This is my first baby and I definitely have tightness in my stomach at night -- feels like a stretching feeling and its sooooo achy!! Has anyone experienced this feeling? I am 36 years old, 5'8" and 120 pounds and normally have a flat stomach unless I have eaten a big meal. One of the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy can be a change in colour of your vulva and vagina. My mid back is killing me too, this has been happening since 4 am last night. It might be preterm labor. The pregnancy can't survive and needs to be removed with medicine or surgery. The baby is moving loads so I know he's fine, and there's no pain or cramping of any sort, but as I walk, it feels like it's dropping. Injuries. They were seriously bigger then my belly until about seven months. When I first started to experience these symptoms I initially thought I was … A mild abdominal injury may just cause a heavy feeling in the lower and pelvic areas. Conditions that can cause stomach pain and need to be checked urgently include: Ectopic pregnancy. No position while sitting or lying down is comfortable and I get a stitch under my belly on the right side when I walk or stand for too long!! As a result it can feel tight, dry and very itchy. Any advice? Near the middle of your second trimester, you may begin to feel the baby. Stomach cancer is usually asymptomatic early on, or causes vague symptoms like bloating, indigestion, and a feeling of fullness in the upper … So uncomfortable. With the buildup of fluid in the peritoneal cavity, the tightness of the stomach occurs as the stomach … It is constant tightness. 1. The third trimester is the “home stretch” of your pregnancy. Bowel Obstruction. Anyone else had this? 2. But I think it's just one of those normal pregnancy aches and pains. My belly feels so tight like its about to explode and its so heavy and uncomfortable. Belly Signs To Show Your Pregnant With A Boy. my doctor also recommend the mirana. It is not braxton hicks, no contraction like feeling but difficulty in walking. For the past three days I've had a tightness in the middle of my chest right under my breast bone/above my stomach. It doesn't hurt but it's uncomfortable and it comes and go throughout the day but I notice it more at night when I'm laying down. The best way I can describe it is a feeling like someone is squeezing the inside of my chest. - BabyCenter India The bump measurement was above the top centile thingy measuring big. This is often more pronounced at the end of the day, if you have worn tight clothes on a particular area. Some are frustrated when that swollen stomach … Also my vagina feels really tight and my vulva feels swollen (though this could just be the yeast infection). I'm now 29 weeks pregnant and my belly gets very tight and feels like two round balls on each side of my belly button. I want to know if I’m pregnant but I don’t know if it’s too early to tell. Is this normal and has anyone else ever experienced anything like this or similar when they were pregnant? Braxton Hicks make your belly feel very tight and hard and may cause discomfort. Call your doctor if they become regular and painful, and don’t go away when you change your position or walk around. Belly bloating bothers some people largely because of how it looks. ok...i am 6 weeks pregnant with my second baby and already my stomach feels a bit heavy when i lie in any position except lying on my left side. You could start off with just 10 minutes of daily exercise - perhaps take a brisk walk outside. During those early weeks of pregnancy, your baby is still teeny-tiny. Just 6 weeks pregnant and stomach feels heavy? Try rubbing a pregnancy-friendly lotion on the area twice a day. My periods are never regular. It feels as if baby has moved herself up and between my ribs with her bum poking outwards. Feel like I can't expand anymore and sometimes like baby is going to drop out. It's recommended that pregnant women do 150 minutes of exercise throughout the week. Obstructed bowels can lead to food waste backing up in the colon. Is this normal? The abdomen can also feel very tight. a strong tightness that grows in strength, peaks, and drops off again; do not go away or change if you move around, sit down, or drink water; Feeling Contractions. Later in your pregnancy, it could be a few things: Baby might just be moving around in there, you could be having gas , or maybe your uterus is contracting— Braxton Hicks contractions are par for the course in the second and third trimesters and aren’t a reason to worry. Is this normal? Pelvic pressure (a feeling that your baby is pushing down), lower back pain (especially if it's a new problem for you), menstrual-like cramping or stomach pain, or six or more contractions in an hour before 37 weeks (even if they don't hurt). Nothing seems suitable - its driving me insane. This happened last night and I thought it may of softened a little over night but no such luck! Broadly abdominal discomfort is the term for all abdominal sensations that are technically not abdominal pain. Early on in my 1st pregnancy, I remember feeling just "different" but in this pregnancy my stomach feels really full. It begins with week 28 of your pregnancy. It feels like somebody is squeezing my stomach really hard. But once you begin showing, your belly will grow fast (and your skin may show it!). Depending on the cause, this symptom may occur alongside others, such as: a bloated or distended stomach Whats going on? The baby's bones start out as soft cartilages, which then develop and ossify to become hard skeletal structures as the baby absorbs more and more calcium from the mother's body during the entire course of the pregnancy [2].As this happens, the mother may get a feeling of excessive hardness in her belly. Its a constant pain. Early First Signs of Being Pregnant and How Your Stomach Feels. Is it normal? They were the focal point of my whole body… They were heavy … 2. Menstrual Cycle or Pregnancy. Your vulva and vagina are usually pink, but this changes to dark purplish-red as your pregnancy progresses. Other common sensations like abdominal cramps … Any advice my stomach has pretty much turnt to stone. Front of stomach feeling 'heavy' 32 weeks. Bump feels so heavy and I feel so 'full'. Everyday things—like getting out of bed or standing up from a chair—will require extra effort. Any one else feels this? It is also quite uncomfortable, it feels uncomfortable to bend over! 6. I was gonna post about this a few days ago. They may think a protruding tummy makes them look "pregnant." my breast have become very sensitive and my lower stomach area feels very heavy and bloated. As your baby grows, your body will feel even more awkward and heavy. Even at 4 weeks, she's only the size of a poppy seed! Vulva change in colour. The contractions are irregular in timing and should go away within a few minutes. The heaviness only sometimes. Second pregnancy and don't remember feeling like this first time. This is my 2nd pregnancy, so I know things may be different. 3. Log in / Sign up. Advertisement . I can't really describe it, my stomach feels hard and like there is alot in there. 5. Tightness in the Abdomen – Causes of Tight Stomach Feeling. Update: I guess I'm just seeking a pain relief advice. Im 22 weeks pregnant and for the last couple of days I have been feeling TERRIBLE. Get moving! The growing uterus and the baby’s movements can both cause the my stomach feels heavy and bloated A 36-year-old male asked: 2 weeks ago i was admitted to hospital and had my endometriosis removed. For the past two weeks or so I have been feeling very bloated and "heavy", as well as general stomach discomfort in my lower abdomen (cramping at times, sometimes sharp pains, others times very gassy). Sarah867. Check out Sport England's #StayInWorkOut online exercises (scroll to the pregnancy section). It takes a lot to get me up and moving before 10am (on a day I don’t work). This can cause a heavy feeling along with: pain, gas, bloating and stomach upset. Stomach feel tight after I eat -7 months pregnant: I am 29 weeks pregnant and lately when I eat, afterwards my stomach feels tight but I know that the top of my stomach feels really tight and it scares me. A tight stomach can also be due to other factors such as digestive issues, stress or hormonal changes, and doesn’t necessarily mean you’re pregnant. So chances are, your bump won’t start to show until you hit the 3-month mark — when your baby is about the size of a lime. Listen to your body and do what feels right for you. Feels like belly is to its max to be stretched.I am just 25weeks and already feeling like end of third trimester. All that stretching and pushing can lead to round ligament pain, which feels like a sharp pain in your abdomen. Symptoms typically appear between 4 and 12 weeks of pregnancy and can include: There are a number of different sensations that a person may experience which does not always correlate with specific medical symptoms. 21 weeks pregnant, abdomen feels tight and heavy? The feeling of heaviness in your stomach could just be the result of lifestyle choices that can easily be addressed with a change in behavior. During the menstrual cycle, it is common to feel a tightness along with mood swings and bloating. Yes, what you are feeling is Braxton Hicks. if i lie on my right i feel an uneasy feeling as if a bit of weight is hanging down from my uterus.