See Philippians 1:6. Psalm 138:8 Most manifestly the confidence which the Psalmist here expressed was a divine confidence. ]!” It was thus with the Apostle Paul. And Luther’s usual prayer was, Confirm, O God, in us that thou hast wrought, and perfect the work that thou hast begun in us, to thy glory; so be it. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. Or the reference may be to all Jehovahâs gracious intentions for Israel. (Psalm 138:8) We can see some things clearly. x. In spite of all the efforts of Saul, and all the devices of the wicked one, they had been accomplished hitherto; and there was no reason to fear that “one jot or tittle of his word should ever fail.”], [We have the same difficulties to contend with as he. The works of thine own hands; the work of my salvation, which is thus far advanced, not by any human help, but by thine own extraordinary power and providence, and therefore it is not for thine honour to desert it at last. You Can Trust God By Nina Smit . We wonder if God has forgotten us. The confidence which gives peace, and fixedness, and strength to the mind fastens upon the views which the Bible gives of God, His agency and His purposes, as a God who is concerned with everything, and who acts in everything in reference to an end worthy of Himself. ].” “The same hand as laid the foundation of the good work, must bring forth the top-stone, that Grace, grace, may be ascribed to it,” for ever and ever [Note: Zechariah 4:9.]. Choice comfort for a young believer As every state has its dangers, so the peril of religious concern is despondency. The fact that the work of salvation, begun in us, is the work of God, is a token of assurance that He "will perfect" it (Psalms 57:2; Isaiah 26:12; Philippians 1:6). No point is more distinct to a trustful, relying spirit, no truth is more settled, than this. But, in the full confidence that God would take care of him, he said, “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me. Those Psalms were the united utterances of national devotion. Men may leave off a work for very slight reasons which they foolishly undertook from the first, and from which they may have been diverted through their inconstancy, or they may be forced to give up through inability what they enterprised above their strength; but nothing of this kind can happen with God, and, therefore, we have no occasion to apprehend that our hopes will be disappointed in their course towards fulfillment. J. RHAPSODY OF REALITIES DAILY DEVOTIONAL ; HE PERFECTS YOUR LIFE. I love our verse, that the Lord will perfect that which concerns me…literally. Nothing shall fall to the ground. Let us, for our own improvement of these words, consider, [In their primary sense, the words refer to David’s final establishment on the throne of Israel. Hebrew, "make my bed the grave or hell," Job xvii. II. No point is more distinct to a trustful, relying spirit, no truth is more settled, than this. We can trust his purpose for us because it is based on his wisdom and love. Whole Psalm. This psalm is titled A Psalm of David. Psalm 138 reminds us of the many reasons we can be genuinely grateful, without a hint of resentment or bitterness, even in the midst of our hardships. The only question, therefore, for him to settle in his own mind, was, whether God was able to effect his promised mercy. We have not indeed a human enemy, pursuing us unto death: but we have a more formidable enemy, even “Satan, who, as a roaring lion, goeth about, seeking,” by every means within his power, “to devour us [Note: 1 Peter 5:8. Endurance Devotional w/ Myles. for Friday, June 29, 2018 [ Previous Devotionals] According to human appearances, our escape is impossible. thou holy Father! 1441; A. Maclaren, Old Testament Outlines, p. 152; Spurgeon, Morning by Morning, p. 144; Ibid., Sermons, vol. He has said, that “he will never leave you; never, never forsake you [Note: Hebrews 13:5. In the name of your faithful Son, Jesus, I pray. III. Now, in like manner, I would have you “encourage yourselves in the Lord your God.” Treasure up in your minds “his exceeding great and precious promises,” and expect the accomplishment of them all to your souls. There are no fortuities in this … 1700 28th Street SE Grand Rapids, MI 49508. But here he could have no doubt. Thoughts on Today's Verse... God has a purpose and plan for each of our lives. From Chronic Pain to Constant Praise. Be not ashamed to have it said, Jesus hath bought thee with his blood; but glorify him in thy body, and in thy spirit, which are his. xx., p. 23. The special intention of the prayer depends on the origin of the psalm. This he confirms still farther by what he adds, that it is impossible God should leave his work, as men may do, in an imperfect or unfinished state through lassitude or disgust. On the contrary, at the very moment that he so expressed it, he cried, “Forsake not the work of thine own hands [Note: ver. Psalm 138:8. Psalm 138:8 When life goes in directions we didn't expect, and when those directions include suffering and frustration, we can easily become discouraged. THE deeper doctrines of our holy religion, if made a matter of controversy and disputation, are very unprofitable; but, as experienced in the soul, they are a source of the richest consolation. All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Joel Osteen Daily Devotional 21st September 2020 Today’s Message.