Well, Ciprofloxacin (Cipro) is one of the most popular fluoroquinolones drugs given to patients inside a hospital setting. This is true during emergencies. Vancomycin is like aminoglycosides in adverse effects and dosing. The primary example in use is sulfamethoxazole trimethoprim (Bactrim). Tetracycline is a type of antibiotic medication that is used to treat some bacterial infections, which includes acne. Nursing Pharmacology Made Incredibly Easy! These drugs are: Between the two, we’ll focus our attention on dopamine. – less effective against gram-positive bacteria. Paperback $15.22 $ 15. Avoid use in patients with aortic aneurysms and those with risk factors for aneurysms including peripheral atherosclerotic vascular diseases, advanced age, and hypertension. Strikingly creative … Bacteria are classified based on gram stains which determines properties like gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. There are many examples of vasopressors available in the market, but there are only two that are commonly utilized inside the hospital, especially in emergency scenarios. In this lecture, we’ll be delving deeper into what fluoroquinolones are, how nurses can easily remember these drugs, and what to watch-out-for when giving the medications. For our next group of antibiotics, we’ll go into what sulfonamides (Bactrim) are, the indications, how the drug is given, and what to keep tabs on regarding side effects. 4th Gen: Improved gram negative and gram-positive coverage compared to 3rd gen, activity against P. aeruginosa and cephalosporin resistant bacteria. Atypical infections (Rickettsia spp, Borrelia spp., Chlamydia spp., Mycoplasma pneumonia), Adjunct treatment for protozoan infections, Respiratory infections including as an adjunct with a penicillin for pneumonia, Atypical bacteria (e.g. Pharmacology learning tools, online or self-study, tailored to nursing Aside from these organs, the kidneys are also directly affected by vasopressors. Going back to cycling, when a biker is out in the sun, it is expected that the person will get sunburned; same with tetracycline. Accessed April 3, 2020. The way nursing school approaches teaching pharmacology varies widely, but the subject matter remains the same. Here, we are informing the sympathomimetic response of the sympathetic nervous system to calm down by instructing the heart not to contract. The best time to take tetracycline is before meals, preferably an hour or two before eating. Famotidine (Pepcid) is another type of antihistamine that blocks the release of histamine inside the stomach that can cause irritation and stomach ache. When the kidneys are failing, dopamine will ignite the opening up of the renal arteries, causing more perfusion by shunting blood down to the kidneys so the patient won’t go into chronic renal failure, and potentially losing the kidneys. With tons of medications that are out there, how in the world are you going to identify which belong to fluoroquinolones? As established, there are exceptions to the rule of pharmacology suffixes, and one of these exceptions is identifying macrolides. Get started now For Free. The field of infectious disease is vast and complex – yet continues to grow and expand in ways that will continue to influence medical practice for years to come. Pepcid is commonly used for episodes of gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) or gastritis, aiming to prevent any occurrence of peptic ulcers and decreasing acid production within the gastrointestinal tract. Vasopressors are life-saving drugs that are commonly seen in an emergency setting. The primary goal for the administration of dopamine is to increase blood pressure. Another core concept to infectious disease involves antibiotic resistance. Legionnaire’s disease), Respiratory infections: Often used as a monotherapy for pneumonia, Good option for resistant bacteria (e.g. The blood vessels are like rivers that are interlinked with each other. Examples of these medications includes ciprofloxacin (Cipro), levofloxacin (Levaquin), and ofloxacin (Floxin). Focus on Nursing Pharmacology - Easy to follow guide for Pharmacology NCLEX-RN Drug Guide: 300 Medications You Need to Know for the Exam - Great if you're reviewing for the NCLEX Nursing 2017 Drug Handbook (Nursing Drug Handbook) - Reliable nursing … Some well-known calcium channel blockers are: Other heart conditions wherein calcium channel blockers are applicable: When taking calcium channel blockers, you should advise your patient that this type of medication has to be taken with either milk or food. The workbook is … This essential pharmacology reference focuses on the mechanisms of drug action; details specific drugs by pharmacologic class; reviews the nursing … It is important to know the recognized abbreviations in clinical setting so you will not be lost when preparing medications for your patient. 400 topic cheat sheets. Abbreviations rule the medical world. On the other hand, Pepcid is primarily given to patients who are suffering from GI tract irritation. Dopamine is usually the first line of drug given to anyone who is suffering from hypotension. All Rights Reserved. So far, there has never been a nursing question related to blood pressure that was given in the NCLEX® so far regarding blood pressure. Anti-Retrovirals work by terminating viral replication, blocking DNA activity and … The point is, you can instantly recall what fluoroquinolones are by keeping in mind Cipro de Mayo. you the Intensive Review in Pharmacology Workbook. Learn the side effects based on the drug’s action. We have another fun way of remembering Ciprofloxacin through Cipro de Mayo. UpToDate. Much like any other vasopressors, the introduction of dopamine is going to prompt vasoconstriction, putting pressure on the vessels. Med of the Day Podcast (free) I LOVE podcasts. Posted on November 21, 2018 | by Mike Linares. If there is an insufficient flow of blood, all primary functions of the body are disrupted. Welcome to your ultimate set of nursing pharmacology questions for the NCLEX!In this nursing test bank, test your competence in nursing pharmacology with these 500+ practice NCLEX questions.The goal of this quiz is to help nursing students review concepts of nursing pharmacology … To know more about fluoroquinolones and Cipro de Mayo, check out our Simple Nursing website and YouTube channel. Vancomycin: A very commonly used medication prescribed empirically for the treatment of a variety of infections – especially those that are suspected to be gram-positive or containing MRSA. While there are instances wherein pumping difficulties cause the heart failure, other patients suffer due to stiffening and hardening of the muscles of the heart, resulting to reduction of blood flow. Atropine spikes the heart rate which is the exact opposite of what a calcium channel blocker does. To prevent this, dopamine is given. From there cephalosporins were derived which exhibit broader antibacterial properties. In this respiratory pharmacology review, we will be going into corticosteroids like methylprednisolone and prednisone. Screen for true penicillin allergies – ensuring a real hypersensitivity reaction. This is especially true for penicillins with microbes that develop the ability to destroy the antibiotic before it can reach its target. This medication is often dosed based on the measurement of trough vancomycin concentrations in the serum. Gaynes R. The Discovery of Penicillin—New Insights After More Than 75 Years of Clinical Use. We are going to blow your mind with how simple the side effects, interactions, and even those confusing names, can really be.After watching our three-part webinar series on Pharmacology Made Easy, you’ll be confident enough to recite all of those medication details (you CAN do it! Simple Nursing’s mentors cut the stress and confusion out of your studying with PROVEN teaching methods that guarantee understanding. Being one of the most mundane and yet terrifying subjects, pharmacology is a crucial subject that needs to be fresh in your mind throughout your nursing career. Though Nitroglycerin is given to patients with myocardial infarction, the main goal is still taking off the electrical excitability from the blood vessels so as not to strain the heart muscles. The clinical treatments described and recommended in this publication are based on research and consultation with nursing, medical, and legal authorities. This is done by taking the pressure off and blocking out the stimulus. Gastrointestinal irritation or disturbances, especially with erythromycin. Taking of blood pressure is also necessary to monitor any signs of side effects like decreased heart rate, hypotension, drowsiness, and lightheadedness. E. coli, K. pneumoniae), 2nd Gen: Efficacy against previously mentioned strains as well as H. influenzae, Neisseria spp. Gahart's 2021 Intravenous Medications: A Handbook for Nurses and Health Professionals ... Clinical Pharmacology Made Ridiculously Simple … So, there are three types of medications that you can give to achieve this, namely: As mentioned, one of the main problems with heart failure is increased volume and resistance inside the blood vessels; therefore, it is necessary that this resistance is relieved through calcium channel blockers. 22 to rent. To remember what histamines are, just keep in mind the sound that a snake or a cat makes – hiss – because when people get mad, they become irritated and inflamed. That said, patients should limit their exposure to the sun while taking tetracycline. TMF = Too Much Food – Tetracycline, Macrolides, Fluoroquinolones. When this happens, there is an increase in blood flow to the heart, lungs, and the brain. Potential interaction with anticoagulants → bleed risk, 1st Gen: Cefazolin, cefadroxil, cephalexin (, 2nd Gen: Cefoxitin, cefprozil, cefuroxime, 3rd Gen: Ceftriaxone, cefixime, ceftazidime, cefpodoxime, cefdinir, ceftriaxone (. It is imperative to have a general understanding of the various classes and nursing considerations to help prepare for the NCLEX® exam and for future practice. Remember, macrolides usually end in “-romycin.”. Don’t get confused with neomycin, clindamycin, and even gentamycin because all these are different. In this nursing pharmacology guide for student nurses, learn about the uses and nursing care plan considerations needed for patients taking antacids. This is included in our Pharma Boot Camp especially made for our members. Screen patients with claimed allergies for true hypersensitivity reactions (e.g. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxole (co-trimoxazole): Drug information. Tetracycline primarily works to cease the growth and the worsening of bacteria; this type of antibiotic can only ward off bacterial infections and is not applicable for infections caused by viruses. There are multiple classes of antibiotics that are used commonly in practice today – contributing to a vast spectrum of potency and adverse effect profiles. Sulfonamides: Used to be a highly utilized class of antibiotics but has fallen out of favor due to higher risk of hypersensitivity as well as a less favorable adverse effect profile. With tetracycline, you only have to associate the medication to cycling or someone riding a bicycle. See, the majority of antibiotic medications end in “-mycin.” Therefore, it would be confusing at some point to nurses to pinpoint which is a macrolide and which is another form of antibiotics. Another tip to associate Cipro with fluoroquinolones is Folklorico which is a traditional dance done during Cinco de Mayo. UpToDate. We are basically asking the blood vessels to relax and not be tensed. See you guys at our next discussion! Patients who take tetracycline will experience a breakdown in bacteria which then directly affects the skin’s epithelium. Here are the most commonly used abbreviations when preparing drugs: However, increasing safety concerns regarding adverse effects in elderly may discourage use of these medications. Calcium for the heart, on the other hand, has a similar effect because it can cause the vessels to become stiff which would add to the resistance if there’s pressure, leading to hypertension. Anticoagulation is an essential service that is … Histamines are like prostaglandins that cause pain, substance P, and COX-2. Tooth discoloration with yellowish stains is another side effect that manifests with tetracycline administration. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) is given either per orem, intravenous, or intramuscular. This will be discussed in our next article. SimpleNursing membership offers: See how our members are earning a 96% pass rate. Nursing Pharmacology by Chippewa Valley Technical College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. For this reason, it is crucial that practitioners understand that under dosing or overusing antibiotics can lead to resistance. Initially the level of information to know for this subject may appear daunting but over-time it should become more familiar, especially with practice. Therefore, eating before working out is not allowed to avoid throwing up. But as nurses, it is essential that you are aware of the side effects of giving fluoroquinolones especially if you’re working inside the emergency room. There are currently five generations of cephalosporins that are classified based on their spectrum of activity. Pharmacology basics is an important topic for nurses, as medications have a great power to both help and to harm patients. From this point forward, the world would never be the same as Fleming had came across a lab accident that would soon lead to the creation of penicillin. It explains basic concepts of pharmacology and describes common medication classes. Dopamine is also given to patients who are suffering from acute renal failure (ARF). Accessed April 3, 2020. Copyright © 2020 SimpleNursing.com. You can remember this as: Blood pressure, on the other hand, is another priority when it comes to fluoroquinolones. Macrolides: This class of medications is often prescribed as an adjunctive therapy with other antibiotics. Watch out for the patient’s blood pressure. Fluids and electrolytes cause cellular excitability; calcium is an example of an electrolyte that causes tensed and constricted vessels. The mean arterial pressure (MAP) determines how much blood flow is getting around the body. Penicillin and like antibiotics feature a beta-lactam structure disrupts the stability of bacterial cell walls leading to its antibacterial properties. Calcium channel blockers are given to make the heart very soft and supple. Nursing Pharmacology (Quick Study Academic) Inc. BarCharts. There are a couple of things that you have to keep in mind when giving fluoroquinolones to patients. Table 1: Refer to the chart below to see a list of common indications for specific antibiotic classes: Penicillins: Among some of the first types of antibiotics this class features drugs like penicillin, ampicillin, amoxicillin, and methicillin. Vasopressors are given especially during a hypotensive crisis. Decreased urine output (a common sign of kidney affectation), Alpha-blockers (Catapres or Clonidine) – has vasodilation effects, A non-productive cough caused by ACE-inhibitors. Fluroquinolones: Very broad-spectrum antibiotics capable of treating a wide array of infections. All Rights Reserved. Posted on November 26, 2018 | by Mike Linares. UpToDate. Patients should be instructed to complete the full antibiotic regimen to encourage eradication of infection and discourage resistance. For our next lecture, we’ll be focusing on the second vasopressor we’ve mentioned – norepinephrine (Levophed). Over-time it became evident that many pathogens would develop resistance to these medications which helped contribute to the creation of penicillins with beta-lactamase inhibitors which are equipped with the ability to fight bacterial resistance mechanisms. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/Azithromycin and clarithromycin. This mold was identified as Penicillium notatum – an organism secreting a substance that inhibited the growth of bacteria. Inside this city are various structures like the city hall (nucleus), power plant (mitochondria), trash company (lysosomes), and other parts like the Golgi apparatus, and endoplasmic reticulum. I hope that helped you out in remembering fluoroquinolones, which is especially helpful during the NCLEX®. Examples includes erythromycin, clarithromycin, and azithromycin. Patients who are taking macrolides should not be exposed under the sun. This is because the body gets prompted to release inflammatory agents to allow white blood cells, mast cells, and plasma cells to ward off the invader; thus, the affected site will swell because histamine is also released. This medicine is effective in decreasing inflammatory response commonly used for the following: Patients who are about to undergo blood transfusion are usually given Benadryl IV, pushing about 10 to 50 milligrams for about a minutes to prevent and decrease any type of allergic reaction and inflammatory response. ).Watch Pharmacology Made Easy … In every city or cell, there are gates that allow elements to enter or exit, like in the case of sodium-potassium exchange. UpToDate. In this nursing test bank, practice dosage calculation problems to measure your competence in nursing math.As a nurse, you must be able to accurately and precisely calculate medication dosages to provide safe and effective nursing … Benadryl given by mouth is readily available over-the-counter in groceries and drug stores. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/Aminoglycosides. Tetracyclines: Semisynthetic antibiotics derived from a structure found in a common soil mold. However, if there are problems with the kidneys, the MAP will go below 65. To relate this to the cyclist analogy, when a person goes on a motorcycle or a bicycle, bugs tend to hit the windshield, or their helmets, or even the teeth, causing stains. 3 2 ANGIOTENSIN RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS (ARB)………………………………………………………………………………. $6.95 #8. Pharmacology doesn’t have to be a nightmare - Picmonic is here for you! Get all of the need to know content on the most highly tested topics for any nursing program. He discovered that one of his dishes featured a blob of mold that appeared to resist the growth of the microbes. Make sure that you are assessing the patient for signs of increased blood pressure. For our next antibiotic lesson, we’ll tackle fluoroquinolones which includes medications like Ciprofloxacin. This limits the selection of antibiotic agents that will therefore be effective against specific pathogens like MRSA which is a highly resistant strain of Staphylococcus bacteria. To address the blocking or cessation of histamines, antihistamines, like Benadryl and Pepcid, are given. This is where calcium channel blockers come in. Zithromax or Azithromycin, and erythromycin, and clarithromycin are macrolides. Therefore, if a patient is taking Coumadin and is also prescribed with macrolides, checking the INR is essential to check if the patient is not coagulating at an increased rate. As mentioned, the kidneys are also going to be affected through perfusion, holding the fluid in to retain blood and distribute it to the rest of the body. Definition. tendon rupture, QT prolongation) in elderly. penicillins, and tetracyclines), Double check before administration in pregnancy and lactation, No food when taking macrolides, tetracyclines, or fluoroquinolones (generally okay to take with food for penicillins and sulfonamides), Avoid or limit alcohol consumption with antibiotics, Monitor troughs for aminoglycosides and vancomycin, Screen for risk of true allergies – understand the difference between adverse effects or allergies (rash, wheezing, dyspnea, swelling, etc. There are two important information that you need to impart to patients who are taking macrolides, namely: Food causes ineffective absorption of macrolides. Need help with your next exam? Learn the side effects based on the drug’s action.. Read … To … Examples include tobramycin, gentamicin, neomycin, and amikacin. Key Nursing Tips for Antibiotics: Infectious disease proves to be among the most challenging fields to understand when practicing in the medical field. Example NCLEX® Question for NCLEX® Pharmacology Review of Antibiotics: Infectious disease proves to be among the most challenging fields to understand when practicing in the medical field. Drop by Simple Nursing’s website and Youtube channel to check out more nursing-related topics. For other nursing-related topics, you can check out our Simple Nursing website and YouTube channel. Posted on November 28, 2018 | by Mike Linares. We are also providing our members access to various nursing resources that can significantly help in their study habits, gaining an advantage in major exams, and even in the NCLEX®. One of the nitpicky stuff about macrolides is that it will affect Coumadin’s effect on coagulation. ), Inability to identify the specific pathogen causing the cold, Decreased risk of experiencing adverse effects, Limited availability of antibiotics that can be used to treat this patient, Avoid drinking alcohol with this medication as it increases your risk of CNS depression, This medication can interact with your birth control so use extra protection during sexual intercourse, You may take this medication with or without food, You may stop taking this medication once your acne starts to look better. While the above-mentioned side effects are common with tetracycline medications, other mild side effects can occur while taking the drug, namely: On the other hand, the serious side effects that require immediate medical attention are the following: So, tetracycline is an antibiotic drug primarily given to patients with bacterial infections, which includes acne eruptions not only on the face but on various places of the body. How does one determine that there is low perfusion in the kidneys? Clinical Pharmacology Made Incredibly Easy! This is the same with tetracycline – it should not be taken with food and milk. 4.3 out of 5 stars 212. It is our hope that this workbook will help you as you participate in the any of our Intensive Review in Pharmacology programs. FREE Shipping by Amazon. This open access Nursing Pharmacology textbook is designed for entry-level undergraduate nursing students. But there are ingenious ways on recalling each antibiotic type, or any subject or topic for that matter, then, by all means, stick to those ways. Awesome fun and visual videos with memory tricks. tonsillitis, pharyngitis, scarlet fever, endocarditis), 1st Gen: Improved activity against gram-positive bacteria and some gram-negative (e.g. But what are vasopressors, and what are their mechanisms of action? https://www.uptodate.com/contents/tetracyclines. Fluoroquinolones should not be taken with food. Streptococcal infections (e.g. Some of the primary concerns when taking macrolides are: Other adverse effects of macrolides are nausea, abdominal cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea, all of which are related to gastrointestinal irritation. 7 11 DIURETICS-THIAZIDES……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8 12 NARCOTIC-ANALGESIC ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1,000+ videos. Avoid during pregnancy – use safer alternatives when able, Risk of musculoskeletal toxicity in children, Avoid in patients with myasthenia gravis – as macrolides may precipitate neuromuscular-blocking activity, Increased risk of C. difficile – patients on extended periods of these medications should be given probiotics to reduce risk, Monitor for signs and symptoms QT prolongation, tendon rupture, and bleeding in elderly and renally impaired patients, Avoid with antacids or multivitamins as these may reduce the efficacy of the antibiotic increasing resistance, Ensure all the medication is taken to discourage resistance, Ototoxicity (tinnitus, vertigo, irreversible deafness), High risk of nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity – careful monitoring should be in practice when patients are on these medications, Risk of neuromuscular blockade is rare but serious – caution with myasthenia gravis, Avoid with preexisting hearing loss due to ototoxic effects, May worsen herpes or mycobacterial infections, Renal toxicity (monitor Scr for increases > 1), Ensure properly dose by monitoring trough levels periodically, Thrombophlebitis when given too quickly, given via PICC line as preferred route, Pruitis on face, neck, and extremities = too fast infusion, Trough level check 15-30 minutes before admin, Renal dose adjustments in renal impairment (refer to hospital procedures), Do not infuse more than 5 mg/mL in concentration in less than 60 minutes – to avoid infusion-related reactions, Risk of extravasation and thrombophlebitis – ensure proper needle or catheter placement prior to infusion, Formulations containing polyethylene glycol (PEG 400) or N-acetyl D-alanine (NADA) not recommended for use in pregnancy due to risk of fetal malformations, Dosing based on trough levels – check 15-30 minutes prior to administration of antibiotics, Trough is usually drawn before the 4th or 5th dose, Initial loading dose is based on patients’ weight, Infuse bolus slowly over an hour to avoid adverse effects, Urine output < 30 ml/hr or less = kidney in distress, Hypersensitivity: Contraindicated when a known or suspected sulfa allergy is present (including allergies to sulfa containing drugs e.g. We still have a lot of antibiotics that we have discussed in our channel. Patients who are taking the drug should not be exposed to sunlight, will have tooth stains, and should take the pill at least an hour before meals. Nursing Pharmacology Made Incredibly Easy,3rd Edition, provides the nursing student and practicing nurse with important information about how drugs act and interact in the treatment of disease. Our proven system has helped over 400,000 nursing students reduce their study time, survive their nursing school lectures and PASS their exams! Emerging Infectious Diseases. Vasopressors are types of medications that exert pressure on the veins, on the vascular beds to promote vasoconstriction. Macrolides are antibiotics primarily given to patients who have pneumococcal and streptococcal infections, especially on occasions wherein penicillin is prohibited. sulfonylureas, thiazides), Risk of serious hypersensitivity reactions – screen for sulfa allergies, Blood dyscrasia – fatalities associated with severe reactions including agranulocytosis and aplastic anemia, Hyperkalemia – caution in patients with heart conditions, Screen for true sulfa allergies – monitor for signs and symptoms of hypersensitivity, “This medication has a serious risk of causing kidney damage – avoid NSAIDs like ibuprofen while taking this”, “This medication can cause QT prolongation – a serious heart condition so monitor for signs of increased heart rate while on this”, “This medication should not be taken with multivitamins, Tums, or Rolaids as they can decrease the effectiveness of the medication”, “Avoid any alcohol consumption with this medication as it can cause serious reactions”, Watch for interactions between certain medications with birth control (e.g. When histamines are released, the appropriate response would be to block them immediately, asking them to calm down or take the chill pill; stop being so pissed off. Copyright © 2020 SimpleNursing.com. Fluoroquinolones is a type of antibiotics that are given to treat some illnesses related to the respiratory and the urinary tract system. E. coli, Klebsiella spp. Antibiotic medications have numerous classes; therefore, remembering each antibiotic can be taxing. As established, there are exceptions to the rule of pharmacology suffixes, and one of these exceptions is identifying macrolides. Remember, without oxygen, the body will eventually expire. Our proven system has helped over 400,000 students achieve a overall pass rate of 96%. Looking at it at a cellular level, and taking into consideration a cell, which looks like a small city. Before going into what antihistamines are, we must first understand what these drugs are blocking and how they affect the body. A hypotensive crisis is a situation wherein the body is losing a lot of blood drastically, which can either be caused by the following: Any of these events can lead to hypovolemic shock, which is a deficiency of blood or fluids within the vascular spaces. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/penicillin-antistaphylococcal-penicillins-and-broad-spectrum-penicillins. Benadryl is just given to prevent any unwanted adverse reactions if there’s any. Like most drugs, fluoroquinolones also has a distinct suffix that can also pinpoint medications belonging in this group. Examples of these hormones includes cortisol and aldosterone which can impact several organ systems, the immune system, the metabolism, and importantly electrolyte balance. Although, this is a routine procedure in hospitals and does not necessarily mean that the patient will have any allergic eruptions. Before administering antibiotics there are many different interventions nurses can make to ensure the safety of their patients.