Advertisement. 14. How can I get in on $WSB?? Get a constantly updating feed of breaking news, fun stories, pics, memes, and videos just for you. r/Home: Home. The term “readers” can be altered to fit the theme of the subreddit as well. When I have an idea to validate I write down at least 5 keywords related to it. Surprisingly (?) refer to our previous subreddit overlap stats. (, submitted 15 days ago by thecriclover99 to r/wallstreetbets_, submitted 16 days ago by Boxdelyuo to r/chonglangTV, Our subreddit's statistics, really interesting! Similar Subreddits by User Overlap - … SubReddit Mapping. Everything home related: interior design, home improvement, architecture. 21. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: and join one of thousands of communities. Once a day we shine a spotlight on the small, the big, the new and the old. Do here to see what the score means and the source. fds conveniently leaves the number one reason people hate them: blatant transphobia, and that the mods are transphobic pink pillers who made the sub totally as a ban evasion sub for r/gendercritical. Login. You can also remove any current tags that don't match this subreddit. Login. To acquire the base data either run the queries from BigQuery_queries.sql in Google BigQuery, or extract the data from subreddit-overlap.archive.bz2.. Once you have the data you can run any of the jupyter notebooks here, although several libraries may be required. Drop a line at and maybe it can be added to this blog! The scores listed are "probability multipliers", so a score of 2 means that users of the inputted subreddit are twice as likely to post and comment on that score=2 subreddit. Name the top 20 subreddits that have a user overlap from r/AskReddit. Thank you for subscribing. As a simple example, the image below shows the analysis of subreddits similar to [/r/hiking](" target="_blank): We can see that we indeed get back a list of subreddits that would definitely interest someone with a passion for hiking. © 2021 reddit inc. All rights reserved. r/Home: Home. 1. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. (, submitted 4 days ago by scgco to r/GGCrypto, This sub grows like crazy! Example terms I used last week: “meditation”, “breathwork”, “breathing technique”, “anxiety”, “stress”. Get traffic statistics, SEO keyword opportunities, audience insights, and competitive analytics for Redditcacher. [/r/apple](" target="_blank) and [/r/Ubuntu](" target="_blank)). The sky is the limit on using this subreddit "algebra" technique to find interesting combinations - feel free to email me with interesting results you find and I will highlight them here! Go here for the source and how the score is found. RedditMetis gets the list of the last 1000 comments and 1000 submissions of a Reddit account and visually shows user statistics. Below is an interactive tool for calculating subreddit similarity, either to a single subreddit if you enter one or to any combination of up to three subreddits: The subreddit clustering map gives rise to some broad categories of subreddits that I've highlighted in the image below: As you can see (and confirm in the interactive plot), subreddits cluster nicely into semantically related groups such as technology related subreddits (e.g. (, submitted 2 months ago by Starfire-Galaxy to r/LewisCarroll, Ich loon da afach mol do (, submitted 2 months ago by LaTartifle to r/BUENZLI, Just wanted to show how steady this wholesome subreddit has grown the last few years. What marketing strategies does Redditcacher use? How to. /r/RetroBowl is the highest growing sub this year according to subredditstats. 20. Name the subreddits where people from r/UAE post or comment. You might also like to check out some network visualisations of subreddit relationships, or analyse user/commenter overlaps between subreddits, or track keyword frequencies over time in reddit comments. PSA: Enough_Vaush_Spam has a massive overlap with you guessed it islamophobic tankie hate subs like genzedong(features like everyday on AHS). Your tag suggestions have been delivered and will be tallied with the rest of the communities' selections. The combination of cities in the bay area results in the bay area subreddit: [/r/sanfrancisco](" target="_blank) + [/r/sanjose](" target="_blank) + [/r/paloalto](" target="_blank) = [/r/bayarea](" target="_blank). We use the Cornell and ApplyingToCollege subreddits as we would expect some overlap in Speakers that the merge functionality will take into account. 3 comments; share; save; hide. E.g. Missing similar subreddits by user overlap for /r/scala . A network/graph visualisation of the top subreddits to show their relationships to one another. 16. Just wanted to show how steady this wholesome subreddit has grown the last few years. For each of the users, we gathered their 1,000 most recent link submissions and comments, counted how many times they post to each subreddit, and registered them as interested in a subreddit only if they posted there at least 10 times. In order to develop the most comprehensive map of these subreddits to date, I analyzed over 1.2 billion comments made by users across 47,494 subreddits (from January 2015 to October 2016) to create a mathematical representation of each subreddit. (It's [/r/askscience](" target="_blank) followed by [/r/Futurology](" target="_blank)). Our subreddit's statistics, really interesting! 200 characters left. 1. ↩︎, Some may also be interested in a smaller/older but more easily accessible Reddit comments data set available here. report; 15. Here, the subreddits [. click the subscribe or unsubscribe buttons to choose which subreddits appear on the home feed. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Top subreddits, new subreddits by date, all subreddits, trending subreddits, plus more Reddit stats. Metrics For Reddit. r/cryptocurrency added almost 25,000 new members in the last day and is the 3rd fastest growing subreddit on reddit today!METRICS (, submitted 4 days ago by HashMoose to r/CryptoCurrency, r/cryptocurrency added almost 25,000 new members in the last day and is the 3rd fastest growing subreddit on reddit today! 1. >>> cornell_corpus = Corpus (filename = download ("subreddit-Cornell")) >>> cornell_corpus. In the massive online worlds of social media, users frequently rely on organizing themselves around specific topics of interest to find and engage with like-minded people. (, submitted 25 days ago by sawmyoldgirlfriend to r/RetroBowl, Related Subreddits By User/Redditor Overlap to /r/CriticalTheory (, submitted 25 days ago by another_sleeve to r/CriticalTheory, User overlap for this sub PepeLaugh (, submitted 26 days ago by sani285 to r/ConnorEatsPants, Related Subreddits of /r/stupidpol By User/Redditor OverlapMETA (, submitted 29 days ago by another_sleeve to r/stupidpol, r/Ukraine, Let's Talk (, submitted 29 days ago by jesterboyd to r/ukraine, This sub’s stats:DISCUSSION (, submitted 1 month ago by QualityKatie to r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2, The RI sect is on a steady riseMETA (, submitted 1 month ago by kopasz7 to r/ReverendInsanity, r/scandinavia - Statistik over subben (, submitted 1 month ago by Grummond to r/scandinavia, 900KAnnouncement/Meta (, submitted 1 month ago by rcnfive[M] to r/teslamotors, submitted 1 month ago by knifarine to r/WhitneyVanLaningham, This website shows the subreddits r/malaysia monyets also participate in (, submitted 1 month ago by RichardsonMortimerio to r/malaysia, submitted 2 months ago by 1nt3rn3tC0wb0y to r/usps_complaints, In one year, /r/PRINCE has gained over 5k new subscribers (, submitted 2 months ago by Starfire-Galaxy to r/PRINCE, Since January 5th, we've gone from 39 subscribers to 123! The site is divided into tens of thousands of communities, called subreddits, which are each focused on topics both broad ([/r/Fitness](" target="_blank)) and narrow ([/r/westworld](" target="_blank)). This list is intended as a quick reference for Citizens looking for additional information or to simply broaden their knowledge of the game and its development. r/cryptocurrency added almost 25,000 new members in the last day and is the 3rd fastest growing subreddit on reddit today! How … Subreddits that are closer together on this plot are more likely to have users that comment in both. Have more ideas or suggestions about how to use this data? General Stats; Answer Stats; Score Distribution; Your Score History Help RedditList categorize subreddits by selecting any tags that match this subreddit's content. This shit is going through the roof!!! report; join leave. Advertisement. All analysis code available on Github here. Home; NSFW; Top Reddits; History; Visuals; List Reddits /r/ Get stats. Name the subreddits that people from r/Qatar comment and post on the most. head Out[3]: t1_subreddit t2_subreddit NumOverlaps; 0: roblox: spaceengineers: 20: 1: madlads: Guitar: 29: 2: Chargers: BigBrother: 29: 3: NetflixBestOf: celebnsfw: 35: 4: JoeRogan: Glitch_in_the_Matrix: 28: This table has a total of over 50,000 unique subreddits. Here is how I research subreddits and evaluate them for ideas validation. So, each subreddit can be represented by a mathematical vector that summarizes how often users commented in that subreddit and also each of the other subreddits.[1]. Type a subreddit name to list its overlaps with other subreddits. More . Passionate about something niche? You can follow me on twitter: @martintrevor_, The recent terrorist attacks in Paris have unfortunately once again brought terrorism to the front of many people's minds.…,, t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE), This analysis is structured around the idea of. Similar Subreddits by User Overlap - r/Qatar Looking at subreddit combinations we see: The combination of interest in books and scifi suggests a strong interest in written science fiction: [/r/books](" target="_blank) + [/r/scifi](" target="_blank) = [/r/printSF](" target="_blank). Technically the vector only represents co-occurrence of comments with 2,000 of the top subreddits, but this performs essentially the same as co-occurrence with all 47,494 subreddits but is much easier to compute. Here are the results. Ping response time 16ms Good ping Adult Website Domain provide by (, submitted 2 months ago by HipToBeQueer to r/bald. See here for more details. ↩︎, PhD student working at the intersection of statistics and genetics at Stanford University. comments (0) 9 months old. This raw matrix of subreddit user overlaps was then converted to a matrix of positive, The subreddits were "clustered" (the dimensionality of the subreddits was reduced to only two dimensions) by using the, Similarity between subreddit vectors in the PPMI matrix is quantified using the, Above, subreddits are shown as simplified two-dimensional vectors although in the real analysis they are 2,000-dimensional. Definition of "Top Keyword": The keywords that are most often used on this subreddit in particular, relative to the global frequency of that key word . Fastest growing: /r/wallstreetbets. See the Methods section. Note that you'll want at least 4GB of free memory on your machine to run it with all the subreddits: The same mathematical representation that we used to cluster subreddits can also be used to rank and quantify subreddit similarity to a query subreddit. Reddit comment data is from a great collection hosted on Google's BigQuery. Subreddits that are closer together on this plot are more likely to have users that comment in both. people in your family, gender, places you've live(d) in, etc) by individually reading comments and submissions using natural language processing techniques. (, submitted 25 days ago by ThatWhovian2001 to r/srilanka, /r/RetroBowl is the highest growing sub this year according to subredditstats. Subreddit of the Day ... is a celebration of the interesting communities on REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 16982 on r2-app-0f062e86598b0b244 at 2021-02-13 18:15:38.857869+00:00 running b9e2eac country code: DE.