It has a much higher fat content and less protein. The family of hard cheeses has members aged both in history and maturation. Hard cheese are a beloved category - these are the cheeses to shave over risotto and pasta, to melt in fondue and to create au gratin dishes that bubble with yumminess. This is a list of cheeses by place of origin.Cheese is a milk-based food that is produced in wide-ranging flavors, textures, and forms.Hundreds of types of cheese from various countries are produced. Most hard cheeses develop a natural and tough rind, amassing an abundance of flavor over time. They have a much drier texture than the previous types of cheeses on the list, and will have a very potent savory flavor you won’t find in fresher cheeses. Semi-hard cheeses get their flavor from two sources: the strain of bacteria introduced to the milk and how long the particular cheese is aged. Below, we will see all different kinds of hard cheeses’ list. Tasting notes: Pecorino is a hard cheese made from sheep’s milk with flavors that range fro nutty to salty, savory to tangy, or a combination of all, depending on how long it’s aged. A popular cow’s milk cheese, Parmesan has a hard, pale-golden rind and sharp flavor. Soft cheeses are only aged briefly if at all, while hard cheeses can be aged for weeks, months, or even years.The softest varieties of cheese spread easily, making them a good choice for spreading onto bread or crackers. There are 6 main regional variants, with the most famous being Pecorino Romano and Pecorino Sardo from Sardinia. Cheddar is a classic semi-hard cheese, which is by far the largest category of cheeses on the market. Appenzeller. 7. Although it is made in Argentina, Australia and the United States, Italy’s Parmigiano-Reggiano is typically aged longer, for at least two years, and has a complex flavor and granular texture. Asiago. Types of hard cheese. Hard cheeses are meant for thin slicing or grating. Nutritionally, cream cheese is quite a lot different to hard and semi-hard types of cheese. Semi-hard Cheese. Cheddar is a widely popular semi-hard cheese from England. Hard cheeses. Hard (or firm) cheese are pigeon-holed as they are used as grating cheese. Cream cheese comes in all different varieties and flavors, and it tastes delicious either plain or with additional seasonings like garlic and chives. Hard cheeses are easier to grate, making them better for salad toppings or sprinkling onto cooked pasta dishes. Fun fact: Cheese … These are some of … It takes hard cheese years to mature, and once it’s ripe, these cheese require extra care. Made from cow’s milk that has been matured for several months, it can be white, off … Too hard to eat on their own, the rinds add decadence when mixed into soups, sauces and stews. Hard cheeses have a lower moisture content than soft cheeses and are packed into moulds that undergo tons of pressure, and are are usually aged longer than soft cheese. … Types of Hard Cheeses. A cheese pro explains what defines the different types of cheese: soft, semi-soft, semi-firm, firm, hard, and blue.