Q: How do I draw a coverline when fertility charting? Ovulation and Beyond. Thanks Posted 18/05/2011. Some people have a short drop that may go well below the coverline that is a secondary estrogen surge (which may be accompanied by mucus). The science behind determining the ovulation using BBT charting is that BBT will rise 0.5 to 1.0 degree Fahrenheit 12 to 24 hours after ovulation, which should last until your next period. Hey Ladies, Probably a really stupid question but on FF what does coverline mean, what's it for and what does it represent?? A coverline is a horizontal line drawn on your BBT chart to separate your pre- and post-ovulation temperatures. An implantation dip is a one-day drop in your basal body temperature (BBT) that occurs during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle (about seven to 10 days after ovulation). Comments (7) PickleRoo. advertisement. Basal body temperature (BBT) is your morning body temperature before getting out of bed and doing any activities. Basal Body Temperature (BBT) is your body temperature at rest (wake up time). This is why we say stop temping when you get your positive it can drive you mad.temps can drop or even rise,doesnt mean impending mc. Dr. Alan Copperman is a board-certified reproductive endocrinologist and infertility specialist with a long history of success in treating infertility and … A: Follow these steps to draw a coverline on your BBT chart: Identify a temperature that is at least 0.2 or two-tenths of a degree higher than the previous six days. Would this mean anything, or would it be considered normal? By charting your temperature every day, you can see patterns in your menstrual cycle and hopefully determine when you ovulate and if you’re pregnant. Kate xxx. A: Not unless it stays down. When your temperature jumps above the coverline for three days you can feel confident ovulation has occurred. Because your temperature does not jump until ovulation has occurred, basal body temperature is usually not used to predict ovulation – it confirms ovulation. However, implantation can occur anywhere from 6 days post ovulations (DPO) to 13 DPO. This is my first cycle charting and I'm 6DPO. Keep in mind that this is really just the separation of the 2 phases your menstrual cycle: the follicular and luteal phases. Pregnant and non-pregnant charts follow the same trend until implantation (7-10dpo). Comment. A BBT implantation dip is a one to two day dip in temperature occurring during the luteal phase, the days of your cycle after ovulation. Implantation most commonly occurs 8-10 days after ovulation. Basal body temperature (BBT) is the temperature of your body at rest. Low temperatures are observed before ovulation and higher temperatures are recorded after ovulation. Do if you're before about 10DPO, don't read into it at all :) After implantation (you may or may not get a dip on implantation day), the temps stay up the last few days of the luteal phase, whereas they usually drop by the day before (or day of) AF if not pregnant. The horizontal red line is a "coverline" to help to visualize the biphasic pattern. Taking your temperature first thing in the morning -- before you get out of bed, eat, drink, or use the toilet -- will give you the most accurate reading. To see the coverline click for a full sample chart. Q: My temperature dropped for a day in the luteal phase, does that mean this cycle is a bust? This morning I took my temperature and it was well below my coverline. I am due for my period in another 10 days or so. Comments from original poster (3) Comments from original poster (3) Load more . Highlight those previous six … Bring your BBT charts with you, as they will be helpful in showing ovulation trends and determining if there are any problems.