We use a lot of creature-tutors in order to find quickly the right answer to any problem. I tend to not use any rainbow-land like City of Brass, Mana Confluence and Tarnished Citadel because they harm you. (4BB) A Noxious Gearhulk: Murder on a stick, with extra gain-life. Chosen above Toxic Deluge because we cannot afford the life cost. Huge body with trample that doubles our mana and neuters the opponent's mana base. Dakmor Salvage: Dredge 2, comboes with Gitrog. (3) Pilgrim's Eye: Chumblocker that draws us a land. I don't need to have an extra weakness of having a fragile mana base. pyroguy45243 EDH. + That is broken. (4) Treasure Keeper: We all love Cascade effects. This is almost the end of the Pod chain. Seems there are no cards in … (5GG+2) Tooth and Nail: A BIG! If it didn't happen, an opponent will likely die on our next turn. This build is turning out to be more fun so far, and appears that it will be my permanent Zombie Tribal deck. , − Toolbox, Jhoira Staxbringer Bazaar of Baghdad is a card that trades card selection for card advantage. Then you become the Archenemy and have multiple opponents to face now. Was cut for other card advantage options. (7) A Myr Battlesphere: Another tokens producer that can hit hard. It's a signature card from old "The Rock" T2/Extended decks. (1+2) Wayfarer's Bauble: A Rampant Growth recurrable with Glissa. I play almost all the best duals for BG. If you have 3 or more cards in hand it is usually safe to Bazaar. I am a big fan of The Rock decks played during the old Extended format. !testing. This is a heavy artifact deck. Field of the Dead: Efficient token generation. Because they trigger immediately Glissa to get them back. In this deck take advantage of the lethal strength of recursive artifacts due to Glissa's ability with the aid a swarm of creatures the deal with your opponent's pesky creatures. Feeds | Some of them look pretty great.. Korvold, Fae-Cursed King - Eldraine, obvs. A great artifact recursion ability. If you missed game 1, be sure to check out the faster and shorter […] #commander gameplay , #edh gameplay , #glissa the traitor , #rhys the redeemed , #rona disciple of gix , #the trinisphere , #ulrich of the krallenhorde Read More » Note: Urborg is a color fixer that comboes really well with Cabal Coffers. In the game of magic, you naturally only draw one card a turn. Insane with Field of the Dead. The created thopters are really good offensers, chumpblockers, or fodders for Skullclamp. (BG) Assassin's Trophy: Cheap, fast and efficient removal. Rock Outclassed by Soul-Guide Lantern, but could come back it addition to this one if we need more grave-hate responses. Oct. 11, 2019. Discord Server | When you have 2 cards in you will need only be able to keep one of them, so that value has to be great because you will lose 3. Strip Mine, Dust Bowl: They help against nasty opponents' lands. Was cut for cheaper card advantage options. Don't forget that the token is legendary in case you're able to recure the lands. I think Survival of the Fittest is broken in any deck, but it shines here. More efficient than Crucible because it takes up to 3 land cards back at the same time and can dig our library (dredge 3). Glissa, the Traitor; once she was marked a protector of the home of Mirran but has since become tainted by the oil of the Phyrexian and made champion to Vorinclex. Help | Glissa, the Traitor has several advantages: Due to its colors and its inherent recursion engine, Glissa is often used as a Stax general. : Sudden Spoiling is back. (4GG) Ulvenwald Hydra: Primeval Titan's "little" brother, still decent. I can actually take out untargetable, indestructible guys and reap the rewards. Easily recurrable with Genesis. DMCA requests | I am happy that the EDH Rules Committee unbanned this card. Thanks for visiting my profile! Decklist: mtggoldfish, tappedout. Insane with Field of the Dead. This is just because i dont have those cards (yet). Entomb Genesis to recur your creatures! , − Lightning Greaves Because it's a Green deck, I tend to use as few as possible artifact manarocks, even with Glissa. This lands trades card-advantage for card-filtering. Midrange Unless you're Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain , Urza, Lord High Artificer or Sai, Master Thopterist give it … Entomb an artifact to get it back with Glissa. This one has the ability to draw extra cards in exchange of life. But too much green-mana intensive. I have enough fixing and need to keep a bunch of basics for my ramp cards. Not as hard as Avenger, but its damaging ability may bypass our opponent's defense to hit a protected planeswalker. In honor of Dana’s birthday we review his Glissa The Traitor Deathtouch Tribal Deck. This is a list a card that have found once a slot in this deck and were cut at one point because of meta's evolution or better upgrades. I think there is a combo in there with -1/-1 counters. Entomb a requested land if you have Crucible out. For each step of the Pod chain, there should be at least one artifact creature for more interactions with our commander Glissa's recursion ability. Anything short of exile can't stop it. Because it does not generate mana, the most optimal time for you to play Bazaar if Baghdad is under the following conditions: You have enough cheap mana acceleration such that playing Bazaar for the turn does not equate to tempo loss of mana for the turn. (1BB+B) Attrition: With Glissa on the battlefield, sacrifice an artifact-creature to destroy a nonblack creature an opponent controls, get the artifact back, and repeat the process. (0) Dryad Arbor: Only there ~~because~~ if we play Green Sun's Zenith (GSZ) for a ramp on turn 1. Confetti EDH. Considered as a ramping creature that we won't chain further into the Pod. She excels in attack and defense onto the battlefield. (B) Entomb: This is a great tutor within our strategy. Llanowar Wastes Given that you're getting a free spell out of it, paying four mana isn't that expensive, assuming you get enough value from whatever you're sacrificing it to. Because of this, the cards surrounding Bazaar need to pull the most amount of weight possible. Cabal Coffers: Even if we have so few Swamps, Cabal Coffers can prove its power each game, thanks to Urborg. !testing. Its cantrip effect can turn into a draw engine with multiple Glissa's triggers. The Themes. This site © 2021 TappedOut.net, LLC vs: Glissa the Traitor Result: Redo, Loss. It can finish the table on its own. + (1G) Sylvan Library: 2nd Top. With Glissa, an artifact-creature is better burrowed than exiled. One artifact creature with cmc=5 is missing. Glissa started out as a budget deck. That card drawn will revert back to a +0 advantage when you play that card. Next turn you reveal your hand and show all that metal to cast again with all that mana. slowly my play group is getting more spiking and i was hoping anyone had some good glissa lists i could compare against. Other options are: Yisan, the Wanderer Bard, Fauna Shaman, Worldly Tutor, GSZ, Traverse the Ulvenwald, Chord of Calling, and Natural Order. Loam has a lot of synergies with our land package. Its cantrip effect can turn into a draw engine with multiple successive Glissa's triggers. You prefer decks filled with blue and countermagic. You will only be able to play a land or a spell. https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/16-02-18-glissa-the-traitor-edh/ First time doing a "Deck Tech." Playtesting on Tappedout, I noticed that the deck can't really smack face, I think I'm not running enough fatties. Complete Comment Tutorial! Read it like this: "1BB: Destroy target nonblack creature." This new update brings back cards from previous deck's versions. A difficult card to use optimally. I would generally use removal on something of my opponent's, respond with Entomb, then use the Glissa trigger to put the engine in my hand. Privacy statement | Artifacts were the previous main theme. Gaea's Cradle: Usually we always have at least one creature on the battlefield. It has a large toolbox of ETB creatures that can be chained with Birthing Pod. Also, it gets rid of dangerous and problematic commanders that must be answered quickly, like Azami, GAAIV, Kaalia, , Mizzix, Narset, Uril, Zur, etc... (3) A Metalworker : The Holy Hand Grenade of ramping for any artifact deck. Plus: it's a big body with an evasion ability. !testing. Marsh Flats If you have no cards in hand, you can elect to use Bazaar during your upkeep. I know I know, this is the best artifact to play with Glissa in conjunction with Forbidden Orchard. +Lightning Greaves, −Nissa, Vastwood Seer Not to mention we also play Urborg-Coffers and Gaea's Craddle for extra mana. Winning this way is not my playstyle. January 29, 2018 by Community Spotlight . Recurrable with Glissa. I didn’t want to play a dumb elf general, and I liked the idea of Freyalise as a non threatening value generator. In my opinion it still is. (2B) Plaguecrafter: A cheap removal that usually allows Glissa to recur one artifact per opponent. Volrath's Stronghold: Efficient creature recursion. Should be played in any black deck. If you love this playstyle, you can also use Conjurer's Bauble and Urza's Bauble, with Flash enablers support and -whynot- Salvaging Station. It's a green staple. Ett väldigt bra hjälpmedel när man bygger lekar är www.edhrec.com Där ser du vilka kort som är populärast till vilken lek osv, sparar tid om inte annat. But the 3 life tax hurts too much in this deck because we play a slow midrange (rock) strategy. This is where we can start the Pod chain. This deck is built around a large creature toolbox that allows us to answer any game situation. Nine months have passed since the last update but deck was still heavily played. And her -7 is an easy-to-reach boardwipe. (XGGG) Chord of Calling: Fetch for any creature in our library and put it directly onto the battlefield, at instant speed! → CA: Bazaar of Baghdad (if we have too many artifacts + Glissa). Sidenote: I won't play the 1-card winning combo that uses Triskelion + Mikaeus. You will lose your entire hand for little to no benefit. (3BBB) Demon of Dark Schemes: Boardwipe on a stick, then a reanimation engine that can get back corpses from any graveyard. Nihil Spellbomb , − I decided to create an EDH to honor their ancient glorious time. Used as an early ramp, and lately as a grave-hate card. The Gitrog Monster It's a black staple. New addition are: Bazaar of Baghdad, Volrath's Stronghold, Sylvan Safekeeper, Treasure Keeper, Walking Ballista, and Exploration. Although I tend to avoid cards that steal or give extra turns (see the notable exclusion about Mindslaver), this one is an exception. Playing lands from the top of your library is like drawing extra cards. Check out Shannon, the Johnny's self-milling planeswalker list that combos off and wins from seemingly out-of … Its 3-cmc limitation is rarely a problem. Damnation It just wasn't very satisfying. (3BG) The Gitrog Monster: Draw engine with a relative cheap impressive body. His Ultimate can be game-ending with Avenger of Zendikar. Hey! I don't mean landfall, but a land-theme more like Realms deck from Legacy. Feeds | 26% of the deck are artifacts. Dimir Superfriends helmed by... Rona? Moreover, my opponents usually don't want to see that creature in my graveyard. +Scapeshift, −Traverse the Ulvenwald: Scapeshift is back! (B+1B) Executioner's Capsule: Glissa's signature card. Artifacts decks needed this kind of help. Then they're fodder for Pod or Skullclamp. Lots of playing, dying, re-playing going on. Being also a fan of artifacts and phyrexians, my choice went obviously on Glissa, the Traitor.Moreover, her story has something similar with Sarah Kerrigan from Starcraft's storyline, a character I loved during the first game. Flip: Glissa needs more protection. Replaced by Wall of Roots because of Pod. Exception for this one because you can fetch any card. When games get grindy, the recursion engines can let Bazaar become a card-advantage engine when you lack a hand. It uses a lot of tutoring cards for creatures and lands. This deck has a midrange-oriented strategy. Can get two duals in one shot and put them onto the battlefield untapped. In TappedOut's comments/forums In TappedOut's comments/forums with pie-chart On your blog. Better option if you can afford it: Phyrexian Tower. into extra cards. TappedOut.js Blog Widget, 2016-11-11: Revamp & new additions from C16, Covid Update — (G) Exploration: Ramp option extremely insane earlygame, and working very well lategame with Loam and Crucible. Note: Foils in the maybeboard denote cards I really want to put into the deck. Moreover, her story has something similar with Sarah Kerrigan from Starcraft's storyline, a character I loved during the first game. Faster (doesn't enter the battlefield tapped) but more mana intensive. Was cut for extra room, but could come back. Insane with Scapeshift. Chosen over Toxic Deluge because our deck cannot afford paying 11-13 life to deal with common huge fatties (Colossus, Kozilek, Emrakul, etc.). The Eldrazi Spawns created are also nice chumpblockers and are free fodder for Skullclamp. Attention! (1BG+X) Pernicious Deed: Efficient boardwipe. An extremely powerful land tutor. Removal Spells. Not really relevant here. So complicated card! We moved to Onakke Catacombs, I rolled Chaos and swung, but Glissa died to Harpoon Sniper, then we were off to Kessig, and he rolled Chaos to make his fish into wolves and swung. (XBB) Black Sun's Zenith: A wrath effect that deals with indestructible creatures. vs. After a lopsided win in Thrun v. Kira, we decided to get one more game in. Feels better with Meren. Was cut for cheaper removals. Thus, I am forbidding myself to use such cards except if they allow me to win instantly. Contact | (3BB) Liliana, Death's Majesty: All her loyalty abilities are useful to us! As you can the deck is not the best it can be there is a diabolic tutor instead of a demonic tutor etc. Deck: Sort cards by function. Exception for Forbidden Orchard. This week Dana, Max and Chris return to the Decks We Play series. +Plaguecrafter, −Fleshbag Marauder: Upgrade. Keep in mind that it doesn't work if your creature has shroud (eg: Lightning Greaves, Sylvan Safekeeper). Slowly but surely, it will grow in size. I miss the rest of my land drops. (5GG) Avenger of Zendikar: It's some kind of a finisher that must be answered as quickly as possible with a boardwipe. Rinse & repeat. ... [EDH] Glissa, the Traitor. Glissa, the Traitor Commander Deck Tech - EDH MTG - YouTube Perhaps not the greatest as a voltron general but she is a good defensive general you can get out T2 or T3 in most cases. He's fodder for Birthing Pod or Skullclamp. Craig Blanchette brings the podcast our very first Infect deck tech with Glissa, The Traitor. Artifact boardwipes are common in my meta. (3G) Defense of the Heart: See tutors section above. Those cards are tagged with the flag A. Meanwhile, I tested new card combinations and finally updated my list on tappedout when I approved them: After several tests, the new version works like a well oiled clockwork machine. by Stefouch, Anje Beyond Madness The whole deck is built around this card: we have a wide variety of ascending cmc with at least 1 artifact-creature for each step. : Nissa's solid to dig extra forests out of the deck in the early game, and later on, she'll flip for drawing cards and ramping. (1GG) Eldritch Evolution: A 1-use Pod cousin with a cheap mana cost. , − I consider it as a ramp card because it can bring acceleration lands. Glissa, the Traitor Glissa, the Traitor Glissa, the Traitor: cl0udstrife78 24 tix $ 217 - glissa glissa glissa: Anonymous 37 tix $ 191 - Glissa, The Upgraded (Edited) Glissa, The Upgraded (Edited) Glissa, The Upgraded (Edited) WhipDeChi 122 tix $ 10,703 - Glissa Artifacts Glissa Artifacts Glissa Artifacts: MackaDingo 75 tix $ 295 - Well, that's incredible. It's a serious tempo changer, and it makes people think twice about what it means to be tapped out. Fetchlands: Misty Rainforest, Verdant Catacombs, Windswept Heath, Wooded Foothills. (1+1) Soul-Guide Lantern: Our primary grave-hate solution (in conjunction with Bojuka Bog and Deathrite Shaman). So I added a lot of artifact "toys" to support the deck. I removed it because it was way too slow (mana hungry). by Stefouch. Mindslaver: Personal choice. Play it wisely. Do not go below that number, it's already tight. I start out with a Murmuring Boskand and a Forest in hand. This deck use a lot of land-tutoring cards. If Thespian's Stage copies Dark Depths, it will not have the Ice counters on it and will immediately trigger. Glissa EDH. (1B) Demonic Tutor: Best tutor ever printed. Recurrable with Loam and Crucible. Because of this, the card filtering has to generate a ridiculous amount if advantage the card to make up for the card advantage you are losing to use it. (Example: You have a Blightsteel Colossus and Sphinx of the Steel Wind, neither of which you have the colors or mana to cast, so you activate Bazaar to draw 2 cards, keeping other cards that you can cast). Ancient Tomb: Speeds up your game quite a bit. (1) A Hex Parasite: Polyvalent, reusable, cheap creature. About the Deck: (tapped out someday) I started building another deck and ended up cutting the Elves from it and they ended up here. I decided to create an EDH to honor their ancient glorious time. We use her mainly to get her emblem, by protecting her with a 5/5 and with Glissa. This site is unaffiliated. (B) Vampiric Tutor: The Mirage tutors are card-disavantagers and I tend to avoid them. While it's a powerful strategy with her, it's also the most unfun for your opponents. + | IN 1 FOLDER, Feel free to take a look at my other EDH decks: Stefouch's EDH Decks. (3pG+1pG) Birthing Pod: The Pod is a reusable tutor that sacrifices creatures we could get back with Glissa if they were artifact. DMCA requests | It's an anti-tech against "counters" decks, a bane to Planeswalkers superfriends, and a combo support to Dark Depths and Phyrexian Scriptures. Impressive with dredge effects. (2G) Awakening Zone: It is a multi-purpose ramp card. Sometimes, you'll need to do an emergency tutor for a cheap wrath in early/mid-game. by Stefouch, Pir & Toothy at the Dice Pool Options are: Verdurous Gearhulk (beater with no interaction with the deck), Thopter Squadron (mana-hungry thopters producer), Precursor Golem (weak tokens producer), Karn, Silver Golem (toolbox creature), and Kuldotha Forgemaster (tutor on a stick that needs lot of artifacts). Rona Superfriends vs Glissa Reanimator v… (2G) Wood Elves: They can fetch a dual land (Bayou or Overgrown Tomb) and put it onto the battlefield untapped! Blast Zone: This a very slow removal, but it only takes a land slot and can be recurred with Crucible of Worlds and Loam. Fate counters are rarely relevant. And you get it on the next turn she arrived? Glissa wasn't long for the world, falling to an Inferno Titan. Cut from this list in place of Finale of Devastation. → Mana: Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and Cabal Coffers. When the Disk (or O-Stone) resolves and destroys everything, Glissa will still "see" the opponent's creatures destroyed and she will trigger for each of them. When I had a Glissa deck (retired due to being too good for my playgroup), Wurmcoil Engine was my primary win condition. When the Capsule's ability resolves and kills an opponent creature, it's already in the graveyard (it's an activation cost). Removed because dredge isn't as necessary as before and we have enough recursion. (3G) Defense of the Heart: A light-costed Tooth and Nail that is easy to trigger (only 1 opponent needs to have 3+ creatures. Nurturing Peatland: Considered like a third cycling land for the above draw engine. !testing. Glissa, the Traitor Maelstrom Pulse Pernicious Deed Putrefy Spiritmonger G/U Edric, Spymaster of Trest Mystic Snake Simic Sky Swallower Snakeform Spitting Image Trygon Predator Voidslime U/R Electrolyze Fire//Ice Izzet Chronarch Nin, the Pain Artist Prophetic Bolt Steamcore Weird Suffocating Blast R/W Ajani Vengeant Balefire Liege Brion Stoutarm (2BB) Damnation: Low-cost creature boardwipe. There are exceptions to when you Bazaar for value, and those exceptions will come up somewhat regularly. Primer Will this flickering army be able to quelch the rebellions of Glissa the Traitor and her elves, Arvad the […] #arvad the cursed , #bruse tarl boorish herder , #commander gameplay , #edh gameplay , #glissa the traitor , #kraum ludevic's opus , #magicalhacker , #samut voice of dissent Read More » To search inside our toolbox, we have 7 tutoring cards, the most iconic being Birthing Pod. (3GG) Acidic Slime: Removal on a stick, but 5 mana is too slow. Mike & Trike: This isn't a combo deck. Testing! Land: I like diversity. Recurs acceleration/utility lands eventually destroyed by our opponents, gets back dredged lands, repeats fetchlands, repeats wastelands, or brings back Dark Depths + Thespian Stage for a second round, etc. Duals: Bayou, Overgrown Tomb, Woodland Cemetery, Tainted Wood, Twilight Mire, Nurturing Peatland, Llanowar Wastes, Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth. (3B) Crypt Ghast: This critter works nicely with Urborg and provides extra life. → Beatdown: Thespian's Stage and Dark Depths. Privacy statement | Late game, this land can produce a huge amount of mana in combination with Myr Battlesphere or Avenger of Zendikar. Fortunately, Glissa and Loam helps against the card-disavantage by recurring our discarded artifacts and lands. Because it brings 2 creatures, it worth waiting for the risk of being just answered during the whole table turn. So I added a second little subtheme about lands. The Rock is a deck which has been less defined by the cards it uses and more by the strategy it employs. Fodder for Pod and Skullclamp when not needed. It mainly wins in one of three ways. (1G+G) Survival of the Fittest: See tutors section above. Glissa is a great toolbox general esp if she can get some damage in. (3+3) Burnished Hart: The Hart is a recurrable effective ramp card. Assuming we have Delirium (which isn't difficult in this deck), we can tutorize a nonbasic land or any creature for just one mana. This is a lot of disadvantage to manage for using one card. This will require TappedOut.js included in your blog. + When sacrificed, it's also an extra card type for Delirium and Emrakul. The plan here is to assemble the following combo, or something like it: Glissa, the Traitor + Grave Pact + Grinding Station + Ornithopter. Reliquary Tower: The tower that allows us to have a god-sized hand. Yavimaya Hollow: Regenerating our creatures is a great advantage. (0) Mishra's Bauble, (1) Chromatic Sphere, (1) Chromatic Star: The Cantrip Triad. If you play Chord of Calling in your list (not here), it can enter the battlefield at instant speed for a surprise protection. It's just my available free time to play Magic which decreased. This site is unaffiliated. : Upgrade. (G) Sylvan Safekeeper: Creature protection. One year has passed without a major update, mostly due to the lack of playtesting during the worldwide pandemic.