Shield of Dunedain duration. Most " Creeps " in the Ettenmoors (PvMP) do a majority of their damage as tactical, so this stat is highly valued for most Freeps. How to properly include both these skills into rotation precisely, is explained down below. This is too much utility to even consider taking any other tank instead of a Captain tank, not to mention their great survival, Last Stand and Shield/In Harms Way. After you have met the Stat goals, then place the right Virtues (more down on that down below). Usually only used in 12 man raids. Tactical mitigation: This stat mitigates tactical damage (mostly instance/raid mobs and creeps). Yellow Captain: Tank Spec. There’s a build for Double Rez and extra healing support while tanking. Partial Mitigation Cap = 10% base + 50% potential = 60% cap As before, these are soft caps, meaning that you can have skills, traits, etc. A Minstrel will give you lots of Tactical Mitigation from anthem/stance, so don’t worry about it being low, besides there’s not a requirement for it in Remmorchant or the overall MM Instance cluster, mostly just Morale and Physical Mitigation checks. Then prioritize critical rating until you’re at the cap (630k at lvl 130, or 25%). that can increase the percentage beyond the cap. + 1,000 block rating) cannot carry you past the cap. If you don’t have these virtues, here are some alternatives: Captain tanks require 2 LIs dedicated to tanking alone. Ratings are in turn converted by a formula to percentages (and this can be multi… M-Select DRY membrane ; Virbac TC5+ outsole; Made of waterproof leather; Cons. What are the best Virtues to be working towards as a Captain? If you prefer a work boot-style footwear, you should consider the Rocky S2V. U25: Minas Morgul – Stat Caps MITIGATIONS Armour Type T2 Cap – 120 T1 Cap – 130 T1% – 130 T2 Cap – 130 T2 Enhanced – 130 T3/4/5 Cap – 130 Light 196,274 470… Throw your banner if you haven’t already pre-fight. The most important swap for tanking Captain. Does marginal DPS if geared well, but the most useful skills are Oathbreakers Shame (+35% incoming damage) and Telling Mark (+10% Incoming Damage). By using these Virtues, I reach my Stat Goals, while still maintaining a good Morale pool. Throw To Arms, use Routing Cry with defeat response. There are the consumables I use on Captain: These are crafted pots for Captain. They come in useful for single-target taunts when required. When explaining lotro math, I typically throw in a side comment about the diminishing returns of Mastery (tactical or physical) as it relates to the increased % damage of the attack. Tracking this via a plugin helps. It includes: This is my Armour and Essences combination. Yellow Captains are ALWAYS used in 3 man, 6 man or 12 man groups. You don’t have infinite AoE skills which generate aggro for you, unlike Guardian, and you don’t want to start your pull with the AoE Taunt (Elendil’s Roar) right away. It’s a massive AoE Taunt, which has 10 Targets and 30 seconds cooldown. Will Cloak from Embers barter box for extra Tactical Mitigation. Your primary stat as a tank is Morale, that means lots and lots of Vitality. Traiting for 5% block chance is only nice for trash mobs, but since those are not an issue, it’s not worth wasting 5 points for that, cause you can’t use that on bosses. Now that the boss is under your control, it’s time to start to using self buffs. Now it’s been a few seconds since I’ve stopped, the DPS has done some damage to mobs, now I use my AoE taunt (Elendil’s Roar). Partial Mitigation Cap = 10% base + 50% potential = 60% cap As before, these are soft caps, meaning that you can have skills, traits, etc. Physical Mitigation at 700K+ (you easily get this number by wearing T1 Raid armour), Tactical Mitigation at 400K+ (usually the default value with virtues). LOTRO Warden Tanking Guide ... Tactical Mitigation can be boosted first through relics, buff scrolls, and your carving. These are the virtues I use to reach the Stat Goals. Don’t forget to swap it back after using. Mitigation % is influenced by the mob's level versus your character's level. You hit a point on the crit curve where you get really bad diminishing returns. The crit chance cap is at 630k rating, not 450k. Refresh your taunts every 30 seconds to 1 minute for good practice. You can play around with these to get the numbers you want, but I would not recommend using any Mits virtues (apart from Fidelity) as you don’t gain much from them. It allows a Captain to use Last Stand just about every 2 minutes, which is extremely OP. Here are a few videos you can see how Yellow Captain works in raids. Every 15s refresh your Battle-hardened buff, it gives you -15% incoming damage, which is very important for you to have. * While you are gearing up, remove all Essences from your current Gear, and then slot Essences as per the Stat goals. The –> # and Diff # columns will auto populate. This is the gear that I use. It is not worth traiting for Strength in Numbers as that skill didn’t scale properly after 105, it’s a waste of points. You have Shield, Last Stand, Morale Pots and Pet Heal to keep you alive if you do big pulls. If you have to take damage. Use the yellow food first, then purple, that way it all stacks and you just lose the 3.4K Might rating bonus, which you don’t need while tanking. This is your best Taunt for Single-target. However, don’t use those skills right after a Battle Shout. The + rating (i.e. You need to swap Emblem every time you want to use this skill. Update 26 bought a 20% buff to Champions, which makes them in the top 3… Wardens are powerhouses and incredibly capable tanks. Aggro control is a bit tricky on Captain. Use a Sure Strike before, so you get the extra 5% defence buff from there too. One of the big affects is autocrits, which can really help certain classes that proc on crits or do more damage with crits. This comes with a rubber toe cap and molded heel counter caps for those who often stub their toe. In fact, Vitality is the only essence I use on all my gear pieces. One of the most popular specs, every raid will use at least 1 red cappy. For example, I usually traited Yellow-Red for Boss 1 to Boss 3 in Remmorchant, as they required 2nd Red Banner, but for Shelob (Boss 4) I traited Yellow-Blue with double Rez, as there was no need for 2nd Banner in that fight. Tactical Mitigation: 400K+ You should aim for those stats at that level, and they get much higher with support classes. If I’m taking a heavy beating, I use Last Stand. After you have met the Stat goals, then place the right Virtues (more down on that down below). are like containers. LotroHQ – Class Builds, Tips & Tricks for LOTRO. +5% Block). You can also plot more Tactical Mitigation Essences & Finesse up to your requirements, but I find this setup to work best for Remmorchant Raid. These will always show as + % (i.e. Maintain your Sure Strike buffs, maintain Battle-hardened buff, keep an eye on defeat responses, keep your Routing Cry buff on group, use Rally Cries if group already has Routing, and routinely re-taunt bosses to keep aggro. If possible, get Tactical Mitigation to the cap (550k, or 60%) then stack morale. *This applies to all levels, from 0 to 130. + 1,000 block rating) cannot carry you past the cap. MM instance cluster is lenient on tactical damage, so there is no need to use any Tactical Mitigation essences. You have another skill, called Diminished Target, that reduces Tactical Mitigation by 5%. 2) calculate percentage to rating: number columns 3 & 4. enter percentage in 3 and rating shows in 4. Warden. Tactical Mitigation is an important Character Stat for Tanks and end-game raiders, as most Instance and raid bosses will do Tactical Damage instead of Physical Damage a strong majority of the time. The white boxes in the Rating % column will auto populate to the stat cap for the level and difficulty you chose at the beginning. As for the aggro control, they don’t have the best AoE aggro control, but that’s usually not an issue for raids, but they do have great Single-target control (which is a bit tricky when compared to Guards, but I’ll explain that in rotation section). Red Line DPS Champion Berserker Build By Araphorn Table of Contents IntroductionStat GoalsGearTrait TreesVirtuesLegendary ItemsSwap LIsRotationConsumables Introduction Welcome, here you will find up-to-date and most current Red Line Champion build for Minas Morgul expansion, tuned for high Single Target DPS. Pros. At the level cap mitigations get more important because burst damage becomes a larger issue, especially in raids and fellowship instances you run a real risk of getting one-shot, a single attack that deals more than your full morale. So I was a little bit confused on physical vs. tactical mitigation, so I read some dev posts on the forums. However, it takes away your Battle-hardened State, which is important to be in while Tanking. This is because heavy has a different formula, and the formula has likely was not changed when the heavy mit cap was reduced from 70% to 60%. Welcome to the LOTRO Ratings Calculator! Use it before starting the Boss encounter. Ebbing Ire Tactical Mitigation: Major Class Legacy: Ebbing Ire Cooldown: Ebbing Ire’s cooldown will be reduced for the intial ranks, Tactical Mitigation buff will grow from that point forward. Which tree to use depends on the type of content you are doing and what the group leader wants from you. I currently have a 2nd age 2 hander sword on mine since i don't have a 1st age yet, but i have been using a sword and board lately for the massive stat boost. (EDIT: Based on Legendary server's 85 cap) As an RK and fellow light armour class, I also find physical mit capping super easy (cap is around 16000 at end-game and with no virtues/scrolls/etc. Most yellow captains with the best gear have capped tactical mitigation with around 750-800k morale. For Yellow Captain, prioritize Vitality, and Tactical Mitigation. Press J to jump to the feed. Welcome, here you will find an extremely good build for Captain Tank. Main stat – Morale and mitigation. This is a very niche spec, only required for certain encounters, such as Boss 3 of the new Remmorchant raid on T3+… The cold weather of Forochel is nothing to a Warden with high morale. Here is what I do on Captain Tank, but before I begin, I will go through all of the Captain Taunts, as there a lot now. Fight On Critical Rating: Minor Class Legacy: Fight On Duration: Fight On Duration legacy has been replaced by Fight On Critical Rating legacy. rohan-85-rk-hytbold-and-moors-armor and lotro-stat-math-rk-gear). Rechnungskauf, 100 Tage Umtauschrecht und 1-2 Tage Lieferzei ; Jetzt Mützen, Hüte & Caps nach Hause liefern lassen. Captain tank is the best tank in LOTRO right now, as far as anything goes. This way you can plan your setup better, and utilize Essences perfectly, and can dump the remaining Essences in Vitality or other Stat of your choice after meeting Stat goals mentioned above. Red Captain: DPS/Damage Buff Spec. By using the same Unimbued swap weapon, you can make that debuff -7.5% Tactical Mitigation. +5% Block). Use this rotation in rapid sequence to maintain aggro. At some point--not sure where because I dont know RKs, but at some point--before that crit cap it'll be ideal to switch to tactical mastery gains instead of crit gains. It is highly recommended to have that. Here is the Yellow-Blue tree. No pull tabs at the boot’s upper; Buy on Amazon. Mitigation can be obtained from stats (armour gives physical mitigation, fate and will give tactical mitigation), gear, virtues, essences, legendary item relics/titles etc. What I do to counter this is with some healing (HPS). That’s generally how AoE aggro is controlled on Captain, let your HoTs do the work, wait a bit and then use Taunt. +7792 Physical Mitigation +3896 Tactical Mitigation +1860 Armor A passive bonus of +465 Maximum Morale; 10. I mainly just did red i think back in isenguard, so tanking being what looks like the main thing could be a fun new look for captain for me. By using this setup, I reach my Stat Goals, while having a very nice Morale pool. Shadowed King (AM) / Langflood Landscape Boots. Use this if you can instantly refresh your BH State. So im getting back into the game and dont really know what i want to build such as which spec to pick, traits, weapons, stats to prio, etc. You will always be able to join any size group content as a yellow Captain, but you’ll be restricted from 3 and 6 mans if you mainly play red or blue lines. Necklace, Bracelets and Rings: Amdân Dammul (New WotTP Raid), Loyalty (Number 1 virtue for Morale, for any class), Fidelity (Number 2 virtue for tanks, gives decent Morale + Tactical Mits), Honour (Very good virtue for Morale, also gives decent Tactical Mits and Critical Defence), Fortitude (Very good for Morale and solid Critical Defence, also gives some Resistance), Charity (Gives a nice amount of Vitality, but is primarily used for Resistance, which is super good for tanks in Remmorchant Raid). Reducing it is always a sound plan. Weapon suggestions for yellow captain? Even with all these boosts however, your Tac Mit will still be around 8k shy of cap. For Captains, Tactical Mastery increases with Might. There are multiple trees needed for Yellow Line Captain, with each having their own purpose. That is my setup for Yellow-Red, it’s generally same stuff in Yellow as compared to previous one, it’s just lesser stuff from Blue (No Double-Rez) and more in Red for Red Banner. Examples of these ratings are Critical Rating, Physical Mastery Rating, Resistance Rating, etc. What are the best Virtues to be working towards as a Captain? I have these on a Swap piece, you should use these for T3+ Raids. Captain is the 2nd best tank class in the game second only to guardian. If you have Time of Need Traited, can use that instead too. They contain contributions to the stats that really influence your character's performance. Partial Mitigation Cap = 10% base + 50% potential = 60% cap (unless you have skills or traits that increase the percentage beyond the cap, such as guards in blue line, or burgs in yellow line) Take your Morale as high as you can, as there is a hidden Mitigation Penetration on T3, so it’s not worth it to use Mitigation essences, you get slightly more gains from more Morale. Some of the most useful skills for yellow Captain are Last Stand, which renders you unable to be defeated for a certain amount of time and Shield of the Dunadain, which is a bubble that can be applied to yourself or others for -75% incoming damage. Single-target aggro control is generally very easy, you have a lot of Single-target Taunts to cycle through, and you have time to get a 2nd taunt in without losing aggro in between. LOTRO Mitigation caps Ihre Caps im Onlineshop - Mehr als 5000 Caps im Angebot . It’s a very unreliable Taunt, which gets B/P/E’d all the time, use this when you have no other option. These will always show as + % (i.e. Being indicted can lead to severe consequences such as jail time, criminal penalties, loss of liberty, and more. Captain tank brings +10% group wide morale, a double mark for the group (either Telling or Revealing), an extra Banner, some extra useful heals/HoTs, fellowhip To Arms, and a double Rez. This buff is received after a hit of either Devastating Blow or Pressing Attack. Landscape mobs tend to be melee or archer types dealing physical damage, while instance mobs and PvP "Creeps" tend to deal more tactical damage. Then there’s another build which includes traiting for maxed out Red banner which allows your raid to have 2 Red Banners, which is very nice to have for DPS incentive fights. This is a very reliable Taunt, it never misses. Ratings are indirect, in the sense that they provide the base for the calculation of a number of characteristics. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Overview Damage Mitigation is a rating-based statistic that governs how much damage your character takes from different damage types. The –> # is telling you how much the cap % is as a rating (ex. If you want to find out what you need to get to a percent below the cap that just enter the percent manually. They have the best survival and offer the best group utility when compared to any other tank. If you plan on playing Captain, I suggest gearing for yellow Captain while gearing for red on the side. Any information would be great, thanks in advance! This build has cleared full T3 Remmorchant successfully, without any issues. This is without a doubt the most popular and viable spec for captains. Start the Boss with a Threatening Shout – Sure Strike – Devastating Blow – Blade of Elendil (That’s your Second Taunt). This tool can be used in multiple ways and it works on any level: Basic functionality: 1) calculate rating to percentage: number columns 1 & 2. enter rating in 1 and percentage shows in 2. This copies all the threat and mobs remain mine. I see, thank you for all of the information! For Red Captain, prioritize Critical Rating until you’re at the cap (630k, or 25%) then stack Physical Mastery Rating as much as you can. Tactical Mitigation reduces the amount of damage you take from spells. Whatever remains will take a chunk out your morale. Threatening Shout: Single Target Taunt, 15 seconds cooldown. The set advertises -25% Last Stand cooldown, but Last Stand cooldown also gets reduced each time you are critically hit, so it pairs very nicely with the set. 1/1 on physical mitigation, 1/5 on tactical. If I use the taunt too early, I will lose the aggro. Tactical Mitigation at 400K+ (usually the default value with virtues) * While you are gearing up, remove all Essences from your current Gear, and then slot Essences as per the Stat goals. Noble Mark also got badly nerfed, so not worth traiting for that either. Physical Mitigation comes from Armour and virtues. You’ll use this spec for leveling in landscape Sometimes used in 6 man instances and always used in 12 man instances. After your Threatening Shout comes off cooldown, use it again and Boss is yours for at least 1-2 minutes. Armor is a universal main stat and it is biased, resulting in tactical (1/5) and physical mitigation (1/1) With NI flower gear we get 13920 for heavy armor and 7234 for light armor (just armor, ignoring shields and cloaks). They are pretty straight-forward and these are the legacies you need: I find these legacies to be the best for Tanking Captain, there are no alternatives. Light Armor – +12,500 = 40% Mitigation (19,250) Medium Armor – +18,750 = 50% Mitigation (25,500) Heavy Armor – +16,658 = 60% Mitigation (23,408) Be sure to take into account likely sources of mitigation rating when planning on which essences to gather and how many! The + rating (i.e. As a medium armour wearer, the cap for mitigations is 50%. Light 40% (12500 tactical mitigation) Medium 50% (18750 tactical mitigation) Heavy 60% (16558 tactical mitigation) You may have noticed that Medium actually takes more to reach the cap than heavy. The cap is 60% and you should try to get as much mitigation as you can. While running with inspire and collecting mobs, I usually get defeat response from hits, which I use Rallying Cry first. You need 2 Swap LIs for Captain, these are a must for tanking. Tactical Mastery Increase the amount of damage you do with Tactical abilities like those of the Lore-master, Minstrel, and Runekeeper, as well as several Captain and Warden skills. I still haven’t used AoE taunt. Find the best LOTRO Class Builds, Guides, Tips & Tricks here! It also increases your Outgoing Healing. Before RoI these stats were Melee/Ranged defense and Tactical defense. Now I throw my Banner and To Arms, and Routing Cry when I get a defeat response. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. However, in Raids, especially with top DPS players, you have to be very fast with double taunts or you will lose aggro and get people 1-shotted. Wir liefern Mützen, Hüte & Caps zu Dir nach Hause. Rocky S2V Tactical Work Boots. 8 months ago. What legacies should i get onto a one hand sword and a captain emblem for yellow spec? Exklusive Partner Produkte! Can also use the Shield on your DPS people if their DPS is too high and they steal some mobs from you. This makes the debuff -12.5% Physical mitigation in total. Tolkien's beloved fantasy series. Vitality > Physical Mitigation > Tactical Mitigation > Finesse. U21: Mordor Stat Caps MITIGATIONS Armour Type T2 Cap – 105 T1 Cap – 115 T1% – 115 T2 Cap – 115 Light 20,213 54,400 40 % 62,160 Medium 22,408 62,858 50 % 70,618 Heavy 24… Blue Rune-keeper 'Mender' Build By Araphorn Table of Contents IntroductionStat GoalsGearTrait TreesVirtuesLegendary ItemsSwap LIsRotationConsumables Introduction Welcome, here you will find a good build for Healing Rune-keepers, tuned for high morale and critical rating. The “Westemnet Device of Protection” crafted relic gives a nice mit boost, and I also use the “Westemnet Heart of the Shield Carving” to boost my Tac Mit as high as possible. So what I do is, instead of picking and tanking mobs 1 by 1, I try to pick as much as I can, say around 10+, I run in and start with inspire (which puts a nice little HoT on all of my group), I ask my DPS people to not touch any mobs until I hoard them all in one place. If geared/played decently, can be a good healer. Retrieved from "" Physical and Tactical Mitigation. Being federally indicted can be a worrisome time in your life. Weapon is used as a swap for the following skills: Make Haste duration, super necessary, lots of fights will require you to use this for your group, and the longer duration, the better. Grave Wound: This is a Single Target Taunt, 15 seconds cooldown and is Melee. Dedicated to The Lord of the Rings Online, the MMORPG based on Professor J.R.R. Can quickly use these – Devastating Blow – Blade of Elendil. Blue Captain: Healing Spec. Either by getting Physical mitigation to reduce the damage of physical damage (weapon based attacks) or Tactical mitigation (magical, elemental or spellbased attacks). I generally use this tree in MM 6-mans (as my group always has a Red cappy) and I use this tree for Shelob, and for instances which has no requirement for an extra Red Banner: This tree gives me all the important stuff, just no Red banner, but you have the Yellow Banner here, which is extremely good for heals. that can increase the percentage beyond the cap. Moreover, Physical Mitigation is generally over-capped with Raid Armour and with buffs, and Tactical Mitigation should be at an acceptable level with Virtues and Buffs and doesn’t require any Essences to complete T3 content. Melee/Ranged defense still exist in a few special cases (for example, the Stalwart Guardian title), but for the most part they have been replaced with the new mitigation stats. For Raids, I would recommend to carry a Captain Tonic (crafted) Pot always. These stats can be like Morale, having a direct effect, or various ratings. Hi all, I havent played since isenguard with my captain. I don't aim for it as a DPS lore-master, but it is an important stat for the Ettenmoors enthusiast and the PvE raiding lore-master. Crit cap of 25% = 630,000 crit). (Generally after 3+ seconds of stopping, after using Banner and To Arms). I use these 5 virtues on all my tanks as I find these exact ones to be the best for tanks. So what does this say? The new Armour Set from Remmorchant Raid for Yellow Line Captain is probably the best set bonus Yellow Captains have ever received. Now I have collected all mobs in one place without using my AoE taunt, my HoTs from Inspire and Rallying Cry have done the work for me, and this is when I ask my DPS to start DPSing. Main character stats like Might, Agility, etc. Tactical Mitigation Vitality As a minstrel you can either focus on what your class needs the most which would be: Will, Fate, Vitality, Crit Rating and Tactical Mastery or you can choose to focus on what will not usually be on your gear: Physical Mitigation, Resistance Rating, and Tactical Mitigation. There are 4 different types of mitigation: Physical Mitigation, Orc-craft Mitigation, Fell-wrought Mitigation & Tactical Mitigation. For blue Captain, prioritize outgoing healing rating until you’re at 70%. Shadowed King (AM) / Langflood Landscape Gloves. Elendil’s Roar: This is a new skill added with U27. Improved Blade of Elendil: Single Target Taunt, 4 seconds cooldown and is Melee.