If mold is identified on materials, appropriate remediation guidelines with proper containment should be used to minimize exposure to building occupants. National Clearinghouse for … As with most things in Florida, the Florida mold laws, rules, and regulations are quite vague and loosely termed. If the problem is extensive, (e.g., between the walls, under the floor) a professional will be required. The Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) Mold Remediation S502 Guidelines are an extremely comprehensive source. The New York City Department of Health (NYC DOH) has developed guidelines for cleaning up mold contamination. 3. However: If there has been a lot of water damage, and/or mold growth covers more than 10 square feet, consult the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guide: Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings. People with asthma or who are allergic to mold may have severe reactions. cases, you can handle the job yourself, following the guidelines below. If you do choose to clean small areas of mold yourself, please follow mold remediation safety guidelines.. 4. During the same time, the specifications were adapted for two buildings in Florida with mold problems, the Martin County Courthouse complex and the Polk County Courthouse. Be sure to have a specific plan in place before you begin home mold remediation. Immune-compromised people and people with chronic lung disease may get infections in their lungs from mold. These guidelines are widely used in the construction industry and recommend six levels of mold removal based on the square footage of the mold and whether or not the mold is located within the home's HVAC system. New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene: Guidelines on Assessment and Remediation of Fungi in Indoor Environments. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. If the area is small and well defined, clean-up can be done by the homeowner (use Mold Remediation Kit™). For some people, mold can cause a stuffy nose, sore throat, coughing or wheezing, burning eyes, or skin rash. 2. Guidelines for the Protection and Training of Workers Engaged in Maintenance and Remediation Work Associated with Mold [448 KB PDF, 43 pages]. Inappropriate remediation (e.g., painting over water-damaged materials or moldy surfaces) can cause further problems with building degradation and symptoms in occupants. . New York: November 2008. Mold Remediation Guidelines It is important to determine the extent of the contamination. Official Florida Mold Removal Requirement Information What are the requirements for a mold remediation in FL? Removing mold growth and correcting the underlying cause of water accumulation can help to reduce mold exposures and related health symptoms.7,8 Prompt remediation of mold-damaged materials and infrastructure repair should be the primary response to mold growth in buildings. of a mold remediation awareness level course or other awareness level materials such as fact sheets and table-top activities. Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings, EPA 402-K-01-001, September 2008. Mold area between 1 and 3 square meters (about the size of a sheet of plywood) is moderate mold growth. The NYC DOH guidelines were partially based on the mold remediation specifications developed for the museum. They describe mold issues, and detail how to perform the removal. The EPA mold remediation guidelines outline steps that need to be taken to clean up water damage, kill mold spores, sanitize all surfaces, prevent cross contamination, prevent health complications from mold exposure, and finishing up the job. Mold can cause many health effects. Although, as with just about everything in life, there are pros and cons; or sometimes a proverbial silver lining especially...Read the rest of this entry According to current mold remediation guidelines you could clean small areas of mold (less than 1 square meter or 3 square feet) yourself.